Chapter 2

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School was over and I went to my locker to put my books up.
Eddie: Hey princess, The campaign dosent start in a hour and I need to set it up so would you like to join me?
Y/n: Sure?
Eddie: Great, let's go!
I followed Eddie into a room in the back of the school.
Eddie: This is the hellfire room.
He opened the door and I walked in to see a entire dungeons and dragons themed room, It looked amazing.
Y/n: Woah...
I heard Eddie giggling at how amazed I was.
Y/n: This is so cool!
Eddie: I know right!
Eddie walked to the big table that was in the middle of the room and started to organize the game.
Y/n: Do you need any help?
Eddie: No, Not right now but you can keep me company.
Y/n: Okay.
I looked around some more and then stood and watched Eddie as he put the game together.
Eddie: Don't you know it's rude to stare princess.
Y/n: I'm sorry I just got a little distracted.
Eddie laughed at me.
Eddie: I know I can be distracting but you have to learn to control yourself.
I started laughing at what he said and walked over to him.
Y/n: Do you have a radio or something.
Eddie: Yeah, Over in the corner.
Y/n: Can we play some music on it?
Eddie: Of course.
Eddie stopped organizing the game and walked over to the radio.
Eddie: What do you like to listen to?
Y/n: I like all kinds of songs but I mostly like love songs, Like Elvis's songs or I was made for lovin' you by Kiss.
Eddie smiled at me and started turning the radio on.
Eddie: Do you like Black Sabbath or Ozzy Osbourne?
Y/n: Yeah but I mostly listen to Queen and AC/DC.
Eddie: You have great music taste.
Y/n: You have great taste in almost everything.
Eddie: You flatter me princess.
The music started playing and it was Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen.
Y/n: I love this song!
As the song started to play I danced to it and Eddie just watched me.
Y/n: Instead of watching would you like to dance with me?
Eddie: I don't know how to dance like that princess.
Y/n: Just move your body to the music.
Eddie started dance with me and somehow we found our way to each other. We were holding hands as the song said "I would like for you and I to go romancing say the word, your wish is my command." We looked up at each other and I could see Eddie started to blush.
Y/n: Are you blushing Edward?
Eddie: N-No...
I giggled at him and I continued dancing and dragging him with me. He twirled me around and the music changed to the song who the f... is Alice by Smokie. My face lit up and I let out a quiet squeak as this was my absolute favorite song.
I started dancing like a crazy person and dragged Eddie along with me.
Eddie: You are something else y/n.
He giggled as he started dancing with me.
Y/n: I'm having fun!
Eddie: Your fun is dancing?
Y/n: I have fun with a lot of things, Dancing is one of them.
Eddie: What are some other things you like to do?
Y/n: I like to paint, dance, shop, and hang out with you.
Eddie: That's nice to know that I'm fun.
Y/n: Of course you are!
We danced to a few more songs before the boys started to walk in the room and found us dancing like idiots.
Gareth: Eddie dances?
Jeff: I have never seen his dance in my entire life.
Dustin: If course my sister would make him dance.
Mike: Especially to I want to break free by Queen.
Dustin: Sis what are you doing to him?
Y/n: What, We can't dance?
Dustin: Eddie is not a person that dances and like Mike said especially not to that song.
Eddie: We we're just having fun.
Mike: Okay if you say so.
Eddie: Now let's play some D&D!
All the boys gathered around the table and sat down. I sat in a chair next to Dustin and across from Eddie. We started the game and it was actually really fun. At the end it was just me and Dustin. Dustin rolled his dice and it landed on an 11. I was our last hope and started to roll my dice. It seemed to never stop rolling until it reached the end of the table towards Eddie.
Eddie: A 20!
We all jumped and cheered.
Eddie: And that is why we play.
He bowed and grinned at me as we were all still cheering.

When the game was over me and Dustin went outside to the front of the school.
Dustin: I'm going to Mike's house, I will see you tomorrow.
Y/n: Okay, I love you Dustin bun.
I gave Dustin a big hug to were I was lifted him up.
Dustin: Okay, Okay I get it, You really love me!
I started laughed and put him down.
Dustin: Bye!
Y/n: Bye!
I watched him leave with Mike and Nancy and someone walked up behind me.
Jason: I don't believe I have seen you around here before, I'm Jason.
Y/n: Hi, I'm y/n.
Two other boys walked up behind him with the same jock jackets as him.
Jason: Your really pretty.
He was trying to look cool but failed horribly.
Y/n: Thanks...
Jason: Do you have a boyfriend?
Y/n: No.
His smug grin grew wider. I looked behind him and seen Eddie walking up to us.
Eddie: Hey y/n, Let's go somewhere.
Y/n: Okay!
Jason: Hey Freak, I was talking to her!
Eddie: Well now I'm talking to her so...

Eddie started laughing as we walked away together.
Y/n: Why did he call you a freak?
Eddie: He thinks I'm a freak because of the way I dress and act and because I play D&D.
Y/n: Well that's stupid.
Eddie: Jason is a jock, You should stay away from him.
Y/n: Okay.
I followed Eddie into the woods without a second thought.
Y/n: Where are we going?
Eddie: We are going to my favorite spot.
Y/n: Okay, Cool.
We kept walking until we made it to a bench in the middle of the woods.
Eddie: We're her princess.
Y/n: I like this, It's beautiful.
Eddie: It really is.
Eddie sat down at the bench and I sat across from him.
Eddie: Do you want to smoke?
Y/n: You smoke?
Eddie: Yeah, Is that okay?
Y/n: Yeah of course I don't mind.
Eddie: Well in that case...
Eddie grabs a black box from under the table and opens it.
Eddie: Would you like some?
Y/n: I have never smoked before.
Eddie: If you want I can show you how to.
Y/n: Sure, Why not.
Eddie started to roll up a joint and lit it.
Eddie: Here, Ladies first.
Y/n: Thanks?
Eddie laughed as I took the joint.
Eddie: Put the end between your lips and slowly inhale.
I did as Eddie said and inhaled for 3 seconds before I started to cough.
Y/n: How can you smoke this?
Eddie laughed as he took the joint back.
Eddie: It's easy, Just like a cigarette but stronger.
He started to smoke his joint and laid down on the bench. I got up and sat on the table cris cross apple sauce and looked down at Eddie.
Y/n: Don't get to high or you might not make it home.
Eddie: Okay princess.
He took one more puff of his joint and put it out. I got up from the branch and sat on the floor against a tree as I watched him. He came and sat down next to me.
Eddie: Are you tired?
I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.
Y/n: Yes...
I could feel him fidgeting with his rings and slowly opened my eyes. I seen him sitting with his hands on the floor between his legs and he sat with his legs spread out. He looked flustered.
Y/n: Are you nervous again?
He chuckled softly as I closed my eyes again.
Eddie: Maybe.
Y/n: That's cute...
I slowly fell asleep on him as I listen to the bird chirping and felt the breeze of the wind blowing.

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