Chapter 10

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I went back home and thought about what happened in the bathroom. There was no logical explanation for that and I didn't want to tell anyone because they would think I'm crazy. So I was alone on this one.
Claudia: Sweetheart, Do you need anything before I leave to go grocery shopping?
Y/n: No thank you mom.
Claudia: If you need anything just call me.
Y/n: Okay mom, I love you.
Claudia: I love you to.
Mom left and now I was home alone. I got off of my bed and went to the kitchen to make me some toast with and egg in the middle. When I was cutting out the hole in the bread I heard a grandfather clock. I stopped what I was doing and followed where the sound was coming from. That's when I seen a grandfather clock at the end of the hallway.
Y/n: What the...
I turned around to see a big red monster looking thing. My eyes widened and my breathing started getting heavy.
Y/n: Please go away! Please go away! Please go away! Please go away!
Vecna: Hello Y/n.
I started to feel tears fall down my eyes.
Vecna: There is no need to be scared, You will soon join me.
Y/n: No, Please stop!
I huddled up in a ball in the corner of the hallway crying and hoping the monster would go away. Soon it did. I looked back up and seems everything was normal. I looked at the time and seen school was out. I immediately grabbed my car keys and a jacket and started to drive to Eddie trailer.

When I arrived I seen he wasn't home yet so I just sat and waited on the porch stairs. After a while I fell asleep as I waited for him and woke you to him cupping my cheek.
Eddie: Princess, What are you doing asleep out here?
Y/n: I was waiting for you.
Eddie: You know there is a spare key under the mat, You didn't have to wait outside.
Y/n: Oh, I didn't think about that.
Eddie giggled and helped me up.
Eddie: Why are you here anyway?
Y/n: I just really wanted to see you.
Eddie pulled me in for a warm hug and kissed me on the forehead.
Eddie: Aww, My princess missed me that much.
Y/n: Yeah, She did.
Eddie held my hand and led me into the trailer.
Y/n: Can we listen to music and have a dance party again?
Eddie smiled at me.
Eddie: Sure!
Eddie went to turn some music on as I just stood in the living room.
Y/n: Eddie, I have a question.
Eddie: What's your question?
Y/n: Since we never made it official, Will you be my boyfriend Eddie?
Eddie's face lit up.
Eddie: Yes! Yes! Yes!
Eddie turned the music on and walked over to me. He grabbed my hands and started jumping up and down from excitement.
Eddie: I love you y/n!
Y/n: I love you to Eddie!
We started dancing to the music and I had completely forgotten about what happened until I heard the grandfather clock again.
Eddie: Y/n?
I looked around and seen Eddie was gone.
Y/n: Eddie!
I walked into the bedroom and seen I was in a different place. What is happening? I seen I was at Max and Billy's old house. I walked into Billy's old room and seen him sitting there.
Y/n: Billy?
Billy: There you are you bitch!
He got up and walked over to me with anger in his eyes. Like how he was when he was drunk.
Y/n: Please stop!
Billy raised his hand to hit me but he turned into the monster before he did. I blinked and we were at a scary place that was all red.
Vecna: Your time has come y/n.
Y/n: No please I need Eddie!
Vecna: Eddie can't save you.
I started to hear my favorite song on the radio. Who the f... is Alice by Smokie. I seen a portal like thing appear behind the red monster yet still far away. I seen Eddie through it and I seen him shaking me and freaking out.
Eddie: Y/n please wake up!
I wasn't asleep. I didn't know what I was doing. The monster started to caress my face and then put his hand hovering over my face. I felt the life draining out of me as he tried to take my energy and power.
Y/n: No!
I used all my might to push him back as I yanked at his vine like things. He fell back a little bit and I ran for it. I seen my body was floating through that portal and Eddie was on the floor screaming. I ran as fast as I could and and made it. I woke up against the ceiling and fell on the ground. I groaned in pain with tears falling from my eyes. Eddie quickly crawled over to me and helped me into his lap as he cradled me as I cried into his chest.
Eddie: What the fuck happened?
Y/n: I don't know.
I held onto Eddie for a while until we heard knocking on the door. Eddie helped me into the couch as he went to see who was at the door. When Eddie opened the door Max and Dustin walked in past him.
Eddie: What the hell man!
Max: Are you okay y/n?
Y/n: What, Why?
Max: I seen what happened.
Dustin: Do you think it's happening again?
Y/n: Wait, What happened when I was gone.
Max looked down with a frown.
Dustin: Billy got possessed but he saved us.
Y/n: Billy saved y'all?
Dustin: Yeah he did.
Y/n: So it is back.
Dustin: What happened?
I told them everything starting with what happened in the bathroom to at home and what I seen when I was in a trance.

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