Chapter 19

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Eddie's pov:
We all went back to my trailer and went to steal my neighbors RV. We snuck around the RV and climbed into the back window. I climbed in first and went to the drivers seat to Hotwire it. Steve came up behind me and locked the door.
Steve: How do you know how to do that?
Eddie: My father taught me when I was younger, I told myself I wouldn't end up like him but here I am pulling grand their auto. Robin came ip behind Steve and they watched me.
Robin: I don't think I feel very comfortable with Eddie driving.
Eddie: Oh Steve's got her, don't you big boy!
I laughed and turned the RV on. The owners seen us and started banging on the door but I jumped out of the way and Steve took over in driving.
I started head banging as I was having the time of my life but that soon ended when I thought about y/n. This would have been so much more fun with her.
Dustin: Hey Eddie it will be alright, I know my sister and I know she is strong.
Eddie: I know I just miss her.
Dustin gave me a hug and I hugged him back.
Dustin: We will get her back.

Y/n's pov:
Vecna was teaching me how to use my powers more strongly and I was actually learning and fast.
Vecna: You learn much faster than anyone I have ever taught before.
Y/n: Well they were children and I'm 18.
Vecna: Yeah but still you are much stronger than I was at your age.
Y/n: Really?
Vecna: Surprisingly yes.
Y/n: So I'm stronger than you?
Vecna: There is only one way to find out.
Vecna held out his hand as he lifted me up. I used me power to pushed him away and lift him is as he dropped me.
Y/n: I say the answer is yes, I am stronger than you.
Vecna stared at me completely shocked.
Vecna: How?
Y/n: I don't know.
Vecna: let's go again.
Vecna tried to lift me up again but I already got him. I lifted him up and pushed him back against the wall.
Vecna: Okay, enough!
I dropped him to the ground and seen he was weak.
Vecna: Go!
Y/n: Go where?
Vecna: I don't care just go!
Vecna got attached to his vines again and I left, I was pleasantly surprised with how much stronger I was than him. I went to my house to see if Dustin and the others were still there but they weren't so I kissed my power again. I was back in the dark void and walked around splashing in the water until I found Eddie, Dustin, and the others in a RV. This time I went up to Eddie and used my power to get into his head. I seen he had the same confused expression on his face as Dustin did. I made him see he was back at the arcade where we had our first kiss. Eddie soon realized what was happening.
Eddie: Y/n?
I walked up and hugged him from behind.
Y/n: Hi Eddie.
Eddie quickly turned around and seen me. He hugged me lifting me up off the ground and twirling me around.
Eddie: I missed you so much!
Y/n: I can't stay long.
Eddie: I love you so much princess, I was dying to hold you in my arms again!
Y/n: I love you to Eddie.
Eddie: Why did you have to leave me?
Y/n: I'm sorry Eddie but I have a plan.
Eddie: Can you tell me what it is?
Y/n: Not right now.
Eddie: Why?
Y/n: He might be watching.
Eddie: Who?
I heard footsteps behind me and kissed Eddie goodbye.
Y/n: I have to go.
Eddie: No, I need you!
Y/n: Just know that I am always with you.
I seen tears start to form in his eyes. I cupped his cheek with my hand and smiled at him.
Y/n: I love you.
Eddie: I love you to.
I stopped using my power and snapped back to my room. I looked around me and seen vecna behind me.
Vecna: Don't use your power to much or you will get weak.
Y/n: Okay.
Vecna what we're you doing anyway?
Y/n: I was practicing on finding people.
Vecna: I will be in my usual place if you need me.
Y/n: Thank you.
Vecna left and I was alone again. I was started to feel weak so I laid on my bed and went to sleep.

Eddie pov:
I snapped back to reality and seen Dustin and Max in my face.
Dustin: Was it y/n?
Tears started to fall from my eyes.
Eddie: Yeah, She told me the same thing she told you.
Dustin: At least she came to see you.
Eddie: I want to see her again.
Dustin: You will.

We finally made it to the ammo store. We all got out of the RV and went inside. We split up and went to get our own weapons. I went with Dustin to get stuff for shields and some cool clothes.
Dustin: Is that Chrissy?
I looked over to where Dustin was pointing and seen Chrissy looking at the clothes. I quickly looked away as she made eye contact with me.
Eddie: Shit!
Dustin started laughing as Chrissy walked over to us.
Chrissy: Hey Eddie!
Eddie: Hey Chrissy.
Chrissy: What are you doing here?
Eddie: I could ask you the same thing.
Chrissy: I am here with Jason, I got bored and started looked at the clothes, So why are you here?
Eddie: Are you seriously asking me that, this place is so cool why wouldn't I be here.
Chrissy giggled and I just awkwardly smiled at her.
Chrissy: I don't see y/n around.
Of course she had to bring up y/n.
  Eddie: No, she dosent like coming to places like this.
Chrissy: If we were together I would go anywhere with you.
Eddie: Uh huh... look I should really going now.
Chrissy: Wait!
Chrissy grabbed my arm and started getting touchy with me.
Eddie: Chrissy please stop.
Chrissy: Why, I can be so much better than y/n.
Eddie: Y/n is amazing.
Chrissy: Yet I don't see her here with you.
Eddie: Why she is not here is none of your fucking business.
Chrissy: No need to get upset babe was just saying.
Eddie: I'm not your babe.
Chrissy: Not yet.

Y/n's pov:
I did everything there was to possibly do at the moment and got bored. I started to think of Eddie again and wanted to see him again.

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