Chapter 16

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I woke up to someone pounding on the door.
I got up and put the blanket over Eddie so they wouldn't see his parts and threw some clothes on myself. I didn't pay attention to who's clothes I was wearing but I just wanted to cover up. I went to the door and opened it to see everyone standing there. My face went a little red as they had judgement on their faces. I shut the door in there faces and just stood there.
Steve: Hey!
Steve opened the door again and walked into the room. They seen the clothes on the floor and Eddie asleep on the bed with only the blanket covering him.
Steve: I told y'all, They obviously fucked.
Robin: Ewwww!
Dustin: Gross!
Max: Well at least Eddie is kind of hot.
Everyone looked back at max stunned at what she just said.
Max: What?
Y/n: She's not wrong.
Nancy started laughing and everyone else just had disgusted looks on there faces.
Y/n: What did you want anyway?
Steve: We are about to go to lovers lake.
Y/n: Oh okay.
I went over to Eddie and slightly shook him to wake him up.
Eddie: 5 more minutes.
Y/n: We are about to go to lovers lake.
Eddie: 5 more minutes?
I kissed Eddie on the lips and pulled away.
Eddie: Again.
I kissed him again and he pulled me on top of him. We both started giggling as he held me and kissed me again.
Robin: You guys make me want to puke.
Eddie pulled away from the kiss and looked over my shoulder to see everyone standing there.
Eddie: How long have y'all been standing there?
Steve: Too long.
I giggled in Eddie's ear and got off of him. I sat down beside him on the bed as he sat up. The blanket slowly came off of him and I hurried and jumped on him carefully not to hurt him and covered his parts.
Eddie: Thank you princess.
Y/n: Anytime sweet pea.
The others just stared at us and slowly backed up into the hallway before shutting the door. I jumped up and locked the door before they could walk back in.
Y/n: Eddie hurry and get dressed!
Eddie: Princess your wearing my clothes.
Y/n: I am?
I looked down and seen I was wearing his clothes.
Y/n: Opps sorry.
I took his clothes off and put mine on while Eddie put his clothes on. When we got dressed we walked out of the room and went onto the living room.
Steve: Finally, let's go!

We all went to lovers lake and went to Eddie's friends house, reefer ricks. We went to the boat shed and took his boat into the lake. Steve and Eddie rowed the boat while me, Nancy, and Robin sat together at the back of the boat. I was watching Eddie until Robin distracted me.
Robin: I see the way you look at him, Your truly in love.
It was super quiet and all we could hear was the noise of the paddles hitting the water so I knew everyone heard her say that.
Robin: Nancy, dont you agree with me.
Nancy: Oh yeah.
Robin: You and Eddie are unlike any couple I have ever seen, it's like a true romance movie.
Nancy: It really is.
I started nervously giggling as they kept going on about how me and Eddie belong together and we were made for each other. I seen Eddie smiling to himself as he kept paddling.
Nancy: Wait, stop!
Steve: What is it?
Nancy: The compass is going crazy!
Y/n: It must be here!
Steve got up and started to take off his shoes and shirt.
Nancy: What are you doing?
Steve: I'm going down there.
Robin: Are you crazy?
Steve: Well one of us has to.
Nancy: Be careful.
Eddie handed Steve a flashlight in a plastic bag before Steve jumped into the water. I got up and sat down next to Eddie as we waited for Steve.
Eddie: Hey princess.
Y/n: Hey baby.
Eddie wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.
Eddie: I agree we were made for each other.
I blushed a little bit as I wrapped my arms around his waist.
Y/n: I do to.
I dug my face into his chest as I enjoyed the moment.
Eddie: I love you princess.
Y/n: I love you to Edward.
Robin and Nancy: Awwww!
Me and Eddie giggled and kept holding onto each other until Steve emerged out of the water and scared us all. I jumped and Eddie held me tighter and he got scared as well.
Steve: There is definitely something down there!
Nancy: You found it?
Steve: Yeah, It a big glowing red thing.
Steve soon stopped talking as he got slightly pulled under the water.
Nancy: Steve, what was that?
Steve's eyes widened as he got pulled under the water and didn't come back up.
Nancy: STEVE!
Nancy stood there for a second before going to the edge of the boat.
Nancy: Stay here!
She jumped into the water and left me, Robin, and Eddie alone. Robin started to move to the edge of the boat as she was about to go in the water.
Eddie: She told us to wait!
Robin: Screw that.
She fell back into the water and it was just me and Eddie left.
Eddie: Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!
Y/n: let's go together.
I got up and walked to the edge of the boat as I held my hand out for Eddie to grab.
Eddie: Together.
Eddie grabbed my hand and we jumped into the water together. We both swam to the bottom of the lake until we found the gate and went through it. Eddie went first and then I went in after him. I fell on top of Eddie as he caught me. We got up and ran over to Steve and the others and seen they were fighting bats.
Eddie: Here!
Eddie gave me a paddle and and went and hit some bats away from Nancy and Steve. I seen a couple of bats go towards Eddie and ran to him. I dropped the paddle and used my power to make them explode in the air. Eddie looked over to me amazed.
Eddie: Woah!
I felt my nose start to bleed and wiped it away before picking the paddle back up and fighting the other bats away.
Eddie: Thank you princess.
Y/n: Your very welcome Eddie.
I gave Eddie a quick kiss on the lips and started fighting the bats again. Soon all of them were dead. We tried to get back to the gate but more bats came and guarded it.
Steve: We can take them right?
Soon a whole swarm of bats came out of nowhere and flew towards us.
Nancy: We need to run!
I grabbed Eddie's hand and followed Nancy and Steve back into the forest dragging Eddie with me. We made it to skull rock and hit under it as the bats flew past us. We all tried to catch our breath as Nancy started helping Steve with his stomach wounds. Me and Eddie walked out from under the rock and looked around. Eddie started climbing the rock as I got down on my needs and observed the vines in the ground. They seemed to be alive somehow.
Y/n: What is this?
Eddie: They looks like vines.
Y/n: But it's like they are alive.
Eddie: Can I touch it?
Y/n: It's very tempting.
Me and Eddie slowly stuck our fingers out to touch the vine. We were inches away before Steve started yelling at us.
Y/n: Why?
Steve: Everything here is connected so if you touch that then you touch vecna and the bats.
Eddie: Well shit.
We both got up and walked back to Nancy, Robin, and Steve. The ground started shaking and Eddie grabbed me as we fell back. He held me tight and made sure I was safe. The ground stopped shaking and Eddie was still holding onto me as he made sure it was safe for us to get back up. I got up first and helped Eddie up.
Eddie: What was that?
Y/n: I think he knows we are here.
Nancy: We have to get out fast.
Y/n: We can't get back through the gate.
Steve: Use your big brain and come up with something fast.
Y/n: Okay well maybe we can go to wheelers house to get some guns.
Eddie: Wheeler has guns plural in her basement?
Robin: Full of surprises isn't she.
Steve: Let's go!

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