Chapter 4

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I woke up with Eddie on top of me completely passed out. I didn't want to wake him so I just laid there enjoying the comfort he brought me. After about 10 minutes of me being lost in thought and slowly rubbing his back in circles he woke up. When he realized he was on top of me his eyes widened and he hurried and got off of me.
Eddie: I'm so sorry I didn't know...
I could tell he was extremely flustered and I found it quite funny. I giggled at him.
Y/n: It's okay Eddie, I wasn't complaining.
I got off of the bed leaving him speechless. I went to the bathroom to pee. I washed my hands and went back to the bedroom where Eddie was just sitting there.
Y/n: Do you have an extra toothbrush?
Eddie: Yeah, There is one in a package in the cupboard.
Y/n: Okay thank you!
I went back into the bathroom and brushed my teeth with the extra toothbrush and then brushed my hair. Eddie walked in behind me. He got his toothbrush and started to brush his teeth.
Y/n: Can I borrow some of your clothes?
He nodded with a smile on his face. I went back into the bedroom one more time and grabbed some jeans from Eddie's closet with a corroded coffin shirt. I put chains on my jeans like Eddie does and threw on my rings from yesterday. I put on Eddie's vest as a joke and went back to him in the bathroom.
Y/n: What do you think?
I started to strike some poses for him.
Eddie: You look amazing!
Y/n: You think so?
Eddie: Of course, I like it a lot.
I giggled at him and took his vest off.
Y/n: I will lay your vest back on the bed for you.
Eddie: You can wear it.
Y/n: wait really?
Eddie: Yeah, It looks better on you anyway.
My face lit up as I put the vest back on.
Y/n: Thanks, I will rock it!
Eddie laughed at me and continued getting ready. It was almost time to leave for school so Eddie was trying to hurry up.
Y/n: Are you almost ready yet?
Eddie: Yeah, I'm ready now!
Y/n: Finally!
We left to go to school in Eddie's van.

Once we arrives at school Eddie sped into the parking spot and scared me with his driving.
Y/n: You drive like a mad man!
Eddie: I was trying to hurry.
Y/n: Jeez!
Eddie laughed at how scared I was. We got out of the van and walked into school together. Everyone was staring at us as we walked to my locker.
Y/n: Why are they staring at us?
Eddie: I guess they just can't believe a girl like you would hang out with a guy like me.
Y/n: I can't believe a guy like you would hang out with a girl like me.
Eddie gave me a confused look.
Eddie: What?
Y/n: You just really cool and I didn't think you would even want to hang out with me.
Eddie: I'm cool?
Y/n: Yeah!
Eddie: Thank you princess.
I smiled at him as he went to his locker to get his stuff together.
Dustin: Hey sis.
Y/n: Hey Dusty bun!
Dustin: Don't call me that in school!
Y/n: Sorry, It's a force of habit.
Dustin: Why are you dressed like that and why do you smell like-
Dustin took a whiff of my shirt sleeve before realizing what I smelted like.
Everyone stopped at looked at us as Dustin yelled that.
Y/n: Shhh!
Dustin: Why do you smell like Eddie?
Y/n: I stayed at his place last night.
Dustin: Seriously?
Y/n: Yeah, We watched a movie and that was it. 
Dustin: You make Eddie act different.
Y/n: Really?
Dustin: Yeah he has a soft spot for you y/n.
I smiled at myself as I thought about this morning when I woke up with him on top of me. I wanted to hold him again, He makes me feel a comfort I have never felt before.
Dustin: Earth to y/n!
I snapped out of my deep thought and looked back at Dustin.
Y/n: Huh, What?
Dustin: I will see you at lunch.
Y/n: Oh yeah, See you at lunch!
The bell rang and I went to class.

I was at the second class before lunch, Athletics. It was horrible I hated this class so much but I had to get the credit. The class was almost over and the coach let us change early. I stayed back to help the teacher clean as he asked me and another kid to. When we finally finished helping him I went into the locker room to change. Everyone was already done changing and out of the locker room. I started to take off my shirt and put Eddie's shirt back on, then the pants and jewelry. I started to brush my hair again and spray some perfume on me. I walked out of the locker room and the coach started to call my name.
Coach: Y/n!
Y/n: Yes?
Coach: Thanks for helping clean up.
He started to get close to me. I stepped back as I was starting to get uncomfortable.
Y/n: Umm your welcome.
He stepped even closer to me and grabbed some of my hair before sniffing it.
Y/n: What are you doing?
Coach: Your hair smells good.
I tried to walk away from him but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. He held my stomach as he dragged me into the closet. I started screaming as I couldn't fight. He had a strong grip on my hands. He pinned me against the wall and started to caress my face.
Coach: Your so hot y/n.
I started screaming again but he covered my mouth.
Coach: Stop screaming or we will get caught!
I felt a tear fall from my eye as I lost hope until someone opened the door.
Gareth: What the fuck!
Gareth got the coach off of me and knocked him out. He ran to me and held me close as I cried into his shoulder.
Gareth: It's okay, I'm here!
Y/n: T-Thank you.
I continued to hold onto Gareth even though I didn't even know him, He saved me.
Gareth: Do you want to go find Eddie or Dustin?
Y/n: S-Sure.
Gareth walked me around the school and looked everywhere for Eddie or Dustin but couldn't find them.
Gareth: I really don't know where they could be.
Y/n: I really don't want to be alone, Can you stay with me?
Gareth: Of course, Anything for you.
We walked outside and sat on a bench in front of the school.
Gareth: That pervert is going to jail so you don't have to worry about him.
Y/n: Thank you so much Gareth.
Gareth: You very welcome y/n.
Me and Gareth sat in silence for a little bit as him just being there made me feel safe.
Y/n: Gareth, What is corroded coffin?
Gareth: That is our band.
Y/n: Your band?
Gareth: Yeah me, Eddie, Jeff, and another person is in that band.
Y/n: Cool, What do you play?
Gareth: We just manly play instrumental music but occasionally Eddie sings.
Y/n: That's cool, I will have to hear y'all play one day!
Eddie: I think you will like it.
I smiled at Gareth and he smiled back. He had a cute smile.
Gareth: Are you feeling better?
Y/n: Yes, I'm feeling a lot better.
Gareth: Good, Maybe now we can find you brother.
Y/n: Oh, Yeah.
Me and Gareth started to look around again and found Dustin with Mike walking down the hall.
Gareth: Dustin!
Dustin turned around and seen me with Gareth.
Dustin: Hey, What's up?
Gareth: I will leave you alone now.
Y/n: Thank you.
I gave Gareth a big smile as he walked away.
Dustin: Oooh what was that?
Y/n: What?
Dustin: You and Gareth, The way you smiled at him.
Y/n: He was helping me.
Dustin: With what? 
I gave Dustin a nervous look and he started to look scared.
Dustin: What? What happened?
Y/n: I was at athletics and I was leaving but the coach pulled me back into a closet and pinned me against the wall.
Dustin: WHAT!?
Y/n: Be quite please.
Dustin: Did he do anything to you?
Y/n: No Gareth ran in and helped me before anything else happened.
Dustin: What happened to the coach?
Y/n: He got taken away by the teachers.
Dustin gave me a big hug as I fell to the ground.
Dustin: I'm so sorry that happened to you.
Y/n: Thank you Dustin.
Me and Dustin stayed on the floor hugging for a while before the bell rang for lunch to start.
Dustin: Do you want to go to lunch or go home?
Y/n: Can we go home?
Dustin: Of course!

I drove us home in my car but before we got home I went to the store to get ice cream. When we arrived home I grabbed my ice cream and ran to my room. I shoved ice cream in my mouth as I listened to music. I finished eating the ice cream and went to take a shower. I let the warm water run on my skin as I thought about Eddie, I really wanted to see him but I didn't really want him to know what happened. After the shower I went back to my room and put some clothes on before someone knocked on the door.

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