Chapter 28

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School just ended and me and Eddie walked out of the school together like we always do then I seen the laundry mat guy. He seen me and jumped out of his car and started walking over to us.
Jonah: Hey y/n!
Y/n: Laundry mat guy!
Jonah laughed me and I seen Eddie glaring at him.
Y/n: Jonah this is my boyfriend, Eddie.
Jonah: Hey, I'm Jonah.
Eddie: Hi Jonah...
Jonah looked at me awkwardly but his expression soon changed.
Jonah: Well it was nice to see you y/n.
Y/n: You to Jonah.
Jonah soon left to find his brother and Eddie stayed quiet the rest of the way to the car.
Y/n: Eddie?
Eddie: Yes...?
Y/n: Are you okay?
Eddie: I'm fine.
Y/n: Babe... I love you.
Eddie looked at me and his expression softened.
Eddie: I love you to.

I drove us back to the trailer and the entire ride Eddie stared out the window with his head resting on his hand. He looked like a child pouting. When we walked into the trailer I turned on some music and started running around the trailer dancing and jumping. Eddie started laughing at me and started changing me around. I got cornered in the living room and Eddie picked me up and twirled me around. I started kicking and squirming until I got out of Eddie's grip then I ran for it. I ran into the bedroom and jumped on the bed. Eddie jumped on top of me and we both started laughing really hard. I crawled off of the bed and dashed out of the bedroom door.
Eddie: Hey!
I hid against the wall and waited until Eddie went through the door then I snuck back into the bedroom. Eddie found out what I did and ran up behind me and trapped me in his arms. We had a lot of fun chasing each other until we started getting a little rough. We started pushing each other around and Eddie pushed me into the wall on accident. I hit the wall and then the floor and seen my arm bleeding but Eddie wasn't paying attention to me. I seen Eddie walk past me and look at something else.
Eddie: No, No, No, No, No!!!
I covered my arm up and got off of the floor. I looked over Eddie and seen his guitar broken on the floor.
Y/n: Oh Eddie I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.
I put my arm on Eddie's shoulder but he hit it off.
Eddie: Look at what you did... I don't have enough money to fix this and you know how much this means to me.
Y/n: I didn't mean to, we were playing around.
Eddie: GET OUT!
Eddie pointed to the door as he cried.
Y/n: W-What...
Eddie pushed me causing me to fall backwards making me hurt myself even more. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces as he acted this way towards me. Just like billy did.

I got up quietly and left. Right as I shut the front door behind me I broke out into tears. I didn't even take my car and I just walked until I couldn't walk anymore. I fell to the ground and curled up into a ball as I cried. It started raining which made the situation 10 times worse. I laid there soaking wet and heart broken. I was hyperventilating and screaming. I think someone probably thought I was dying but it felt like I was. I got us from where I was sitting and walked to my house. Mom wasn't home because she was working and Dustin was at Mikes house so it was an empty house. I snuck a couple of beers from the fridge and chugged them down. I started feeling a little bit better but it wasn't enough. I didn't want to feel anything at all. I chugged a few more bottles until I could even stand up anymore. I laid on the kitchen floor with tears falling from my face but i was blank faced. I felt my eyes get heavy and then blacked out.

Eddie's pov:
All I seen was red and I started to let the anger get the best of me. I pushed her back. I pushed her so hard she fell to the ground and when I heard the bang I didn't even flinch or turn around to see if she was okay. Shit I am a horrible person. I snapped out of the rage and realized what I had just done. I dropped my already broken guitar and turned around to apologize to y/n.
Eddie: Y/n?
She was gone and it was my fault. It's always my fault. Why am I such a fuck up? I looked down and seen blood on the floor. Her blood. She was hurt and I didn't even notice. A feeling of overwhelming guilt took over me and I felt terrible. It was my fault she fell and now it was my fault she was physically and probably mentally hurt. I ran outside and seen it started raining. I seen her car still in the driveway and realized she most likely ran away. She was in the rain alone. Shit.

I ran as fast as I could all the way to her house and seen the lights on. That meant she had to be here right? I knocked on the door but no one answered. I knocked again and rang the door bell but there was still no answer. I knew she kept a key under the mat so I took it and opened the door.
Eddie: Y/n!?
I looked around and seen beer bottle all over the kitchen counters.
Eddie: Y/n?
I walked into the kitchen and seen her passed out on the floor.
Eddie: Y/n! I'm so sorry!
I picked her up and took her to her bedroom. I got her out of her wet clothes and put her in some dry comfy clothes. I turned on a sound machine she had in her room so that when she woke up she would be comfortable. I fluffed up her pillows and load her comfortably on them. I threw the blanket over her and went back into the kitchen to clean up her mess so she didn't get in trouble for it. When I did finish cleaning her mess I went back into her bedroom and seen how cute she was snuggled up in her blankets and she was even cuddling a stuffed animal.
Y/n: Eddie...
I was about to die of how cute that was. I laid a blanket on the floor and slept on it as I didn't want y/n to get mad at me for sleeping in her bed when she wakes up.
Eddie: I love you y/n and I'm very sorry.

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