Chapter 13

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How did I just do that? Was I like Eleven? Is Dustin even my biological brother? So many thoughts and questions ran through my head as I just stood there lol king down at my hands.
Y/n: How is that possible?
Dustin: Are you like El?
I turned around and looked at Dustin.
Y/n: I don't know.
Dustin: Can you only do it when your angry?
Y/n: Maybe.
Eddie: How can you even do that?
Y/n: I don't know.
Dustin and Eddie kept questioning me and I didn't have the answers to any of those questions.
Dustin: Do you remember being in a lab?
Eddie: So do you have super powers?
Dustin: Can you do anything else?
They both fell silent as I started yelling. I stared at them both as they just stood there.
Y/n: I don't... I don't know.
Eddie: Sorry love, I know this must be scary or nerve wracking but just know that we are here for you.
Y/n: Thank you Eddie.
I went to sit down on the couch as started feeling a little lightheaded and Eddie immediately ran up to me.
Eddie: Are you okay?
Y/n: I'm just feeling a little light headed.
My eyes started to feel heavy and I started to faint.
Eddie: Y/n?
Eddie held my head up as I started falling forward. Then everything went black. I opened my eyes to see I was strapped in a chair in a plain white room. Beside me I seen a tall man with blonde hair and white clothes on.
Henry: Hello y/n.
Y/n: Where am I?
Henry: Your back in the lab.
Y/n: Back?
Henry: Yes dear, Your back.
Y/n: Am I like Eleven?
Henry: Yes you are.
Y/n: So I'm not Dustins biological sister?
Henry: Yes you are, You mother had you when she was young and they took you into the lab but told her it was a hospital. They kept you for a while and when they found no use with you they gave you back to her when she had your brother.
Y/n: So why can't I remember any of that?
Henry: Your mind has blocked those memories, Including your powers.
Y/n: Powers?
Henry: You can do anything Eleven can do and more.
Y/n: More!?
Henry: Yes, You can do more than she can.
Y/n: Like what and how do I use my powers?
Henry: That is for you to figure out.
Y/n: Oh come on!
Henry disappeared and I seen a tattoo on my wrist it had the numbers 015. I got out of the seat and walked through a door beside me. I started walking down a white hallway with white doors that had numbers on it. I made it to a door with the number 15 on it and opened it. I seen everything was white and there was even a camera in the bedroom. Everything was the same except a picture of me with a little girl that looked like Eleven. I had my hair shaved and I was in a hospital gown. I walked back out into the hallway and made my way to a door that said rainbow room. I opened it and walked in and then memories started to come back. I knew this place. I always played here with the other kids and thought it was the most funniest thing ever. I looked around and seen Henry standing behind me.
Henry: I see you remember this place.
Y/n: Oh, Hello Henry.
Henry: You remember my name to!
Y/n: I guess I did.
Henry: Great!
Henry stood there with a smile on his face as he glared down at me which oddly enough gave me butterflies but I thought of Eddie and knew I shouldn't feel this way.
Y/n: I have to get back to Eddie.
Henry: Okay dear.
He flashed a smile at me and then everything went black again. I woke up to Eddie hovering over me.
Eddie: Your awake!
Eddie pulled me into a tight hug as a few tears escaped his eyes.
Eddie: I was scared you were never going to wake up.
Y/n: I'm here Eddie, It's okay.
I held him close as he cuddled up on top of me. He laid on my chest and I played with his hair while holding his back with one arm.
Eddie: I love you.
Y/n: I love you to.
I felt Eddie's arms have a tighter grip as he squeezed me a little bit. Eddie was like a big cuddly teddy bear and I never wanted this moment to end.
Eddie: I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to bombard you with questions.
Y/n: It's okay love.
Eddie: Am I the reason you fainted?
Y/n: No, I think it was because of the power thing.
Eddie looked up at me with his big brown eyes.
Eddie: So you do have powers?
Y/n: That's what Henry said.
Eddie: Who's Henry?
Y/n: When I fainted I seen a man and he explained to me what happened I think.
Eddie: Like a dream?
Y/n: Yeah, Kind of.
Eddie: Mmm.
Y/n: What?
Eddie: I don't want to bombard you again.
Y/n: It's fine Eddie, You have gotten me cerious now.
Eddie: Well when you faint you can't see anything or hear anything so you must have been dreaming.
Y/n: Or in a trance:
Eddie: The only thing we know that can do that is vecna so maybe he is trying to trick you.
Y/n: But in my dream it seemed like the man wanted to help me and it unlocked a few memories.
I lifted up my wrist that I seen the tattoo on in the dream thing and examined it closely. I seen slight bumps on my wrist like something had been there before. It looked like the numbers 015, the same as the dream.
Y/n: Woah...
Eddie: What?
Y/n: Look, can you see a fade of a tattoo?
Eddie looked closely at my arm.
Eddie: Yeah a little bit.
Y/n: Hmm.
I laid back down and Eddie took shirt off and laid back down on me. He lifted my shirt and put head on my chest. I looked down through the chest opening and seen he had a soft smile on his face. I threw the covers back over us and wrapped my arms around him. His warmth radiated off of his body and onto mine making me feel warm on the inside and outside. I rubbed his back in circular motions as if he were a child and started to hear him snore. I smiled to myself as put my other hand on his face and caressed his soft jawline.
Y/n: Sweet dreams love.

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