Chapter 9

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I woke up to Eddie's alarm going off. I was still on top of Eddie and didn't want to get up.
Y/n: Eddie...
Eddie: Mmm.
Y/n: Noisy.
Eddie: Huh?
Y/n: Alarm, Noisy.
Eddie started giggling at me and slowly rolled me off of him. He got up and turned off the alarm.
Eddie: I'll let you sleep in a little bit longer princess.
Y/n: Thank you...
I fell back asleep as Eddie covered me back up. After a couple more minutes of sleep I heard the door open.
Y/n: Eddie?
Gareth: No, Not Eddie.
Gareth chuckled a little bit as he seen me on my stomach with only my butt covered. I opened my eyes and seen him looking me up and down.
Y/n: Can you leave please.
Gareth: Oh sorry.
Gareth left and shut the door behind him. Why would Eddie let him in here if I was here naked? I got up and threw on my clothes from yesterday. I walked out of Eddie's room and seen his band members there. They all stopped talking and looked over at me.
Eddie: Morning princess.
Gareth gave me a smirk. My face went a little red and I just hurried into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and went to the sink. I brushed my teeth and washed my face then I brushed my hair and heard someone knocking on the door. Oh please let that be Eddie.
Y/n: Eddie?
Eddie: Yep, Are you okay?
I opened the door and grabbed Eddie's arm dragging him into the bathroom with me before shutting and locking the door again. I gave Eddie a big hug and looked up at him.
Eddie: What's wrong?
Y/n: It's stupid.
Eddie: I'm sure it's not, Tell me what's bothering you.
Y/n: It's Gareth.
A confused yet worried expression took over Eddie's face.
Eddie: Gareth?
Y/n: He came in the bedroom this morning when I was asleep, Naked.
Eddie: What!
Y/n: He is starting to make me feel uncomfortable.
Eddie: I'm sorry princess, I won't bring him around when your here anymore.
Y/n: Thank you.
I hugged Eddie again and let him leave the bathroom. I heard arguing in the living room and walked out to see Eddie and Gareth fighting.
Gareth: I didn't mean to okay!
Eddie: Why would you walk in there in the first place.
Gareth: Because I thought it was the bathroom?
Eddie: Bullshit!
Eddie pushed Gareth back as he got pissed off.
Eddie: Stay away from her!
Gareth: What if I don't?
Eddie grabbed Gareth by his shirt and lifted him up.
Eddie: Don't try me Gareth!
Eddie threw Gareth down to the ground and looked over at me. He seen the scared expression on my face and immediately calmed down.
Eddie: Everyone out!
Everyone left and and Eddie walked over to me.
Eddie: If Gareth bothers you again just tell me and I will take care of it.
Y/n: Thank you Eddie!

The bell rang and it was time for lunch. I was scared I was going to be bothered by Gareth but I knew Eddie scared him. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror as I tried to fix myself up a little bit then Chrissy walked in.
Chrissy: Hey your Eddie's friend right?
Friend yeah. I realized me and Eddie never even made it official yet.
Y/n: Uh yeah, Friend.
Chrissy: Eddie's nice, Do you know if he has a girlfriend or not?
Y/n: No he doesn't but-
Chrissy: Great, I was thinking about asking him out.
Y/n: Oh.
Chrissy: Thanks, What's you name?
Y/n: My names y/n.
Chrissy: That's a pretty name.
Chrissy soon left and I was speechless. She complimented me yet insulted me at the same time. She was after my man.

I walked to the cafeteria and sat down at the hellfire table. I sat between Dustin and Eddie's seats but no one was there yet so I sat alone. I laid my head down on the table and got lost in thought until someone sat down next to me.
Dustin: Hey sis, Are you alright?
Y/n: Chrissy is trying to get with Eddie.
Dustin: Oh, I wasn't expecting that.
Y/n: Me and Eddie didn't even make it official yet, What if he ditches me and goes out with Chrissy?
Dustin: Y/n, I think Eddie likes you to much to do that to you.
Y/n: But what if she tricks him? What if he does like her? What if-
Dustin: Y/n, I'm sure it's going to be fine, Stop worrying.
Dustin put his hand on my shoulder giving me a calm look.
Dustin: Have y'all told each other you love each other yet?
Y/n: No, I want to tell him though.
Dustin: You should, His reaction will tell you the answer to the Chrissy thing.
Eddie walked up to the table and sat down in his seat.
Eddie: Hey princess, I missed you.
I stared at Eddie for a moment not saying anything.
Eddie: Are you okay?
Y/n: I'll be back.
I got up and headed to the bathroom. As I walked to the bathroom I walked past Chrissy and seen her head towards Eddie but I left before I seen where she actually went. I went to a stall and sat down a s tears started to form in my eyes. I didn't even know why I was sad. I just hated that someone like Chrissy wanted Eddie. I knew I couldn't compete it's her. She was perfect in every way and I wasn't. I cried for a while until the light started flickering and I seen blood coming from under the stall. Something started pounding on the door and curled up on the toilet and started screaming. The blood wouldn't stop coming into the stall and the pounding got louder.
Billy: Y/n! Get your ass out here now!
Y/n: No please no!
Billy: I said now!
The pounding stopped, the blood disappeared, and the lights stopped flickering. I opened the stall and seen everything was back to normal. More tears fell down my face as I just stood there scared. I went to the sink and put cold water on my face. My eyes were still red and puffy but I didn't care. I head my head down and walked back to the hellfire table where I seen Eddie and Chrissy talking and Chrissy was in my seat. I walked up to Dustin and tapped him on the shoulder three times.
Dustin: Oh hey y/n.
Eddie looked at me and his smile faded as he seen how I was crying.
Y/n: Dustin, I'm going home.
Dustin: Your skipping?
Y/n: I don't feel good.
Dustin: Okay well I hope you feel better and I will see you at home.
Y/n: Okay, Love you Dustin.
Dustin: Love you to sis.
I walked away and felt my eyes start to tear up again. I made it to the hallway before someone ran up behind me.
Eddie: Princess?
I didn't turn around I just stopped and looked down. Eddie walked in front of me as he put one hand on my shoulder and the other under my chin. He pulled my face up and seen tear falling from my eyes. He moved his hand from my chin to the side of my face as he cupped my cheek. I laid my face in his hand as I wiped my tears away.
Eddie: Why are you crying?
I didn't want to tell him about what happened in the bathroom but I also didn't want to tell him about how jealous I was.
Y/n: I love you Eddie!
Eddie gave me a confused but happy look. He gave me a soft smile and kissed my forehead.
Eddie: I love you to princess.
Eddie pulled me into a hug as he held me close to him.
Y/n: I'm going home.
Eddie: I can go with you.
Y/n: I don't want you to risk you education and school attendance for me.
Eddie: You are more important than school.
Y/n: It's okay Eddie, Stay here and watch Dustin for me.
Eddie: Okay, I can do that!
Eddie gave me a cute grin as I walked away.
Y/n: See you later Eds!
Eddie: See you later princess.

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