Chapter 29

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I woke up with a pounding headache. I sat up and looked around. How did I end up in my bed? With clean clothes on and my sound machine on? I slowly got up and seen Eddie sleeping on the floor. Of course he did this. What an asshole. I picked up my stuffed animal and threw it at him.
Y/n: Bitch.
I walked into the kitchen and seen the beer bottles were gone to. Did Eddie really do all of this for me. But I thought he hated me.
Eddie: Morning sunshine.
Y/n: Mmm hmmm.
I made myself some coffee and went back into my room ignoring Eddie the entire time.
Eddie: I deserve this.
I looked at my arm and seen it was still cut really bad and surprisingly wasn't infected. I put my coffee down and locked myself in the bathroom and I bandaged my arm up. I brushed my teeth as well and went to lay back in my bed. Eddie walked over beside the bed and seen my arm.
Eddie: Shit, I forgot about that, I am so sorry y/n.
Y/n: Mhh.
I felt my eyes start to tear up and I quickly wiped the tears away.
Eddie: Please don't cry princess.
Y/n: Will you just leave me alone!
Eddie: Sure, whatever you want.
Eddie left my room and I cried into my pillow but I'm sure Eddie still heard me. A few minutes later I heard knocking at my door.
Claudia: It's just me dear.
Y/n: Oh, sorry mom.
Claudia: What happened sweetie?
Y/n: Me and Eddie were hanging out and playing around in his trailer and he pushed me into a wall on accident and broke his guitar.
Claudia: Is that what happened to your arm to?
Y/n: Yeah but when I hurt myself Eddie didn't care he told me leave and he called me a bitch.
Claudia: HE DID WHAT!?
Y/n: Mom please don't over react.
Claudia: He called you a bitch after he pushed you into the wall, no I'm not over reacting I am under reacting.
Y/n: There is nothing we can do anyway.
Claudia: Okay sweetie I will let you deal with your own problems.
Y/n: Thank you mom.
Claudia: I'm going to bed now, I love you.
Y/n: I love you to mom.

I skipped school today and stayed home all day. All my nice clothes were at Eddie's place and I didn't want to ever see him again.
Y/n: Fuck him!
Dustin: Who?
Y/n: Eddie.
Dustin: What did Eddie do this time?
Y/n: He pushed me into a wall and called me a bitch.
Dustin: Damn.
Y/n: I hate him.
Dustin: I thought you two were crazy about each other.
Y/n: Dustin, when he called me a bitch he pushed me back onto the ground and he didn't even care that he hurt me, it was like Billy.
Dustin: Oh.
Y/n: I don't know what to do.
Dustin: I don't know what to tell you sis, what he did was really shitty but there has to be a reason he acted like that.
Y/n: When he pushed me into the wall his guitar fell and broke.
Dustin: Oh no.
Y/n: I know it meant a lot to him but that was no reason to treat me the way he did.
Dustin: Do you want me to talk to him?
Y/n: I don't care any more, do whatever you want Dustin.
Dustin: Jeez, you must be super depressed.
Y/n: You think?
Dustin: I'm sorry he did that, Is there anything I can do for you?
Y/n: No, just let me wallow in peace.
Dustin: Okay just call my name if you need anything.
Y/n: Okay.
I buried my face back into my pillow and went back to sleep.

I woke up the next day feeling pretty alright. I got ip from my bed and started to get ready for school. I shouldn't just sit here, at least school will distract me unless I bump onto Eddie there but I will try my hardest to avoid him. He's the bitch not me. I drove myself to school and went to my locker. I seen Dustin there and he walked over to me.
Dustin: Hey sis, I didn't expect you to actually come to school today.
Y/n: Well I need something to distract me.
Dustin: But won't you bump into Eddie here?
Y/n: I will try my hardest to avoid him.
Dustin: Okay, but if anything happens just know I am here.
Y/n: Thank you dusty bun.
I gave Dustin a hug and headed to my first class. I sat down and hide in my hoodie that I was wearing so I wouldn't see Eddie and Eddie wouldn't see me. Then class started.

It was now time for lunch and I didn't have anywhere to sit since I usually sit with Eddie. I got my food and started to head out the door to eat outside but when I walked out I made eye contact with Eddie who was walking and laughing with another girl which made my heart hurt a million time worse than it already did. I went out into the woods and sat down at the bench me and Eddie always sat at together as soon as I sat down tears started to steam down my face. Was I really that hard to love? Was Eddie just using me the entire time? I thought he really loved me. I guess nobody loves me. A million negative thought ran through my head and I started hyperventilating again.
Y/n: S-Shit...
I got out of the bench and put my hand over my chest and I slowly sat down against a tree. I heard fast footsteps and seen Eddie running up to me. He got on his knees in front of me and put his arms on my shoulders.
Eddie: Hey, it's okay, your going to be okay.
Y/n: N-No... y-you b-bitch!
Eddie: I'm sorry princess, I didn't mean to hurt you.
Eddie hugged me and I cried on his shoulder.
Eddie: Im so sorry...
Y/n: I h-hate you...
Eddie: I know princess, I know.
Eddie held me in his arms as I tried to calm down and Eddies touch was exactly what I needed. I calmed down quickly and stayed in Eddie's arms as I looked up to the sky.
Y/n: What where you doing with that g-girl earlier?
Eddie: Honestly I was trying to make you jealous but I seen I just made you more upset and left her behind as I came after you.
Y/n: Eddie I never meant to break your guitar, you were the one who pushed me into the wall.
Eddie: I know I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up, this is all my fault.
I looked up and Eddie and seen his sad expression. I put my hand on his face and cupped his cheek.
Y/n: Don't say that about yourself Eddie, you are not a fuck up you just let your anger get the best of you.
I seen tears form in Eddie's eyes as he looked in mine.
Eddie: Thank you princess.
Eddie hugged me tightly and pulled away smiling at me.
Y/n: I love you Eddie, I'm didn't mean it when I said I hated you.
Eddie: I love you to y/n.

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