2) At Ollivander's

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Hagrid, the friendly giant, led the pair of us through a wide bustling lane lined with shops. He called it 'Diagon Alley'. I was mystified, yet a part of my mind was taken aback at the reception Harry had gotten before we entered Diagon Alley. He was a celebrity in the Wizarding World! Everybody wanted to shake his hand, to talk to him, while I, his sister was being pushed past!

"Yer fine Isabella?" Hagrid gruffed, "Yer look sick."

"I'm- I'm just taking it all in," I assured him, as we walked further.

Both Harry and I had gotten letters from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was our escape from the Dursleys to this magical land full of wonder.

"Call me Bells, please Hagrid," I added, before walking into a large dome-shaped building.

Gringotts- The Wizarding Bank... Run by Goblins... Hagrid explained, the corner of his mouth twitching as we sat on a ride to go underground.

We were led down a vault that belonged to our parents before they died. Two large piles of gold Galleons and Sickles and Knuts were lying before us.

Harry's eyes gleamed, and excitedly we picked up our money. The Dursleys had practically starved us, and the prospect of spending money on treats and gifts... Just seemed new.

Hagrid smiled.

We bought books, and then Hagrid took me to the side, while a fascinated Harry went to browse through 'Quality Quidditch Supplies'.

"Bells, Yer brother is suddenly famous," Hagrid stated the obvious, "And yer goin' ter get overwhelmed by the amount of attention he'll get. But you... Bells, you goin' ter do big things, even better..."

"Um, thanks Hagrid." I nodded politely, as Harry walked out of the store towards me, his face wide and bright.

As we stepped into the wand shop named 'Ollivanders' a rush of breeze slapped my face.

I turned behind to see a blonde boy arguing haughtily with his father about some broomstick.

"I met that boy while we were shopping for school robes. Talked about Quidditch and something Slytherin." Harry whispered, as we then faced an old wizard.

"Why, Hagrid, it's Harry Potter. And Isabella Potter." The old wizard floated in, "I miss James and Lily Potter, they were clever and bright. The night You-Know-Who killed them... Was a terrible night, a terrible night..."

"I'm Ollivander." He introduced himself, cleared his throat, and eyed Harry's scar.

"I'm Bells." I wanted to introduce myself properly.

Ollivander's gaze flickered toward me, and I thought that I had spoken too boldly.

"Well, then Bells... Let's get you a wand."

"Hawthorn, ten inches, dragon heartstring... Just give it a wave." He handed me the wand.

I nervously gave a wave, but he snatched it out of my hand.

"Vine, thirteen inches, phoenix feather. Nice and springy..."

I took it, out of the wandmaker's hands, but he took it back almost immediately.

Then he rummaged further into the store. I looked nervously at Hagrid and Harry, who gave me a thumbs up.

Ollivander came back holding a rectangular box.

"Yew, twelve inches, dragon heartstring."

I took it again, and a warm glow spread through me. I looked up at the shop owner.

Ollivander's face however became grave, "Uncanny that a Yew wand would choose you, Ms. Bells. It is rare for a wizard to choose a Yew wand. Uncanny, because the murderer of your parents had a Yew wand."

I gulped as Ollivander's eyes bore through me. I stepped behind. It was Harry's turn now.

Harry took a much longer time, so I observed my wand. It was rough and had an intricate rose pattern where I held it. The shop I also observed was stacked with small cardboard boxes of different colours. 

Harry's on the other hand, was Holly, eleven inches, and phoenix feather. It had an unrefined grip.

Ollivander couldn't resist frightening Harry as well, by saying, "Strange that the one who gave you that scar has the same core given by the very same phoenix! Strange indeed!"


The Life of Bells Potter PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now