30) The Best Dueller of the Decade

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Dumbledore arrived about five minutes after that, and the babble died down as he announced the House points with a lot of stomping from the Slytherin table, and no noise from the subdued Gryffindor one.

"Yes, yes, well done, Slytherin," said Dumbledore. "However, recent events must be taken into account."

At this everybody looked up eagerly, and the Slytherins smiles faded.

To everybody's amazement, he awarded Ron and Hermione fifty points apiece. Percy to my amazement forgot his perfect prefect posture and hugged his brother tightly.

Harry was given sixty points as well, and I gave him a hug which he returned laughing.

"Miss Bells Potter!" Dumbledore continued calmly as the Gryffindor table quietened down, sitting on the edge of their seats, shaken from their depressing stupor, "To Miss Bells Potter, I do not give any points, but I would like to present an award instead."

All eyes turned to me, and I turned bright red.
Harry started clapping and soon so did everybody else.

"I would like to award Bells Potter the 'Best Dueller of Hogwarts', having battled a strong opponent, and survived. For sheer courage, strength, and spirit... This award is presented to you!"

I stood up, my cheeks aflame, and I went to the High Table where I received a shield with my name emblazoned in gold on it.

"We hand out this shield once every ten years!" Dumbledore boomed, still smiling at me, as I carried it to the Gryffindor table, "And young Bells has bagged it this decade!"

I could not believe it! Everybody was hooting and cheering. The teachers at the High Table were giving me a standing ovation! I caught Hagrid's eyes and I saw that his eyes were leaking. Not only him but I could see Professor McGonagall sobbing into her handkerchief.

Dumbledore raised his hand. The room gradually fell silent.

"There are all kinds of courage," said Dumbledore, smiling. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I, therefore, award ten points to Mr. Neville Longbottom."

For a millisecond the Great Hall fell silent.
And then the whole Gryffindor table shouted.
Neville who had been the victim of many of Blondie's sneers cried with joy as Harry and Ron descended on him, applauding him.

"We won the Cup! We won the Cup!" The Weasley twins chanted and stood on the table, dancing, making all the dishes crash.

Nobody bothered to tell them off. Hermione and I hooted and joined in the sensation.

Dumbledore clapped his hands, and the green and silver changed to scarlet and gold and a large Gryffindor lion replaced the Slytherin's serpent.

I shook so many hands that night congratulating myself on the esteemed feat. I could not believe myself as I got into bed later, at around 1 am after the common room party, that I had dreaded going to the Feast.

The shield glinted by my bed, reminding me that the night wasn't a dream.


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