16) At Hagrid's

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The next day, both Harry and Ron spoke little to me and seemed engrossed in the last night's adventure.

Neville, told me about the adventure they had had involving the third floor and a three-headed dog. I forgave the poor boy, who was shaking fearfully when he told me the story.

Blondie was shaking more than Neville who had convinced himself that I had all the passwords to the common rooms and was seen arguing with Professor Snape about it.

"Really Malfoy," Professor McGonagall said tersely, when she caught part of his conversation, "Why would Bells Potter appear in your common room in the middle of the night? Are you sure you weren't dreaming about her?"

The Gryffindors who were listening intently to the riveting conversation, burst out laughing. The laughter quickly turned to curiosity, when a long thin package was delivered to Harry, which appeared to be a broomstick.

I got up and went out of the Hall to prepare for my Transfiguration lesson. I met Hagrid on the way out.

"Hullo Bells!" He beamed.

"Hi, Hagrid..." I said, my eyelids heavy.

"Ye look like crap. Come in the evening for a cuppa if yer free." Hagrid noticed, and went out on his way.

I did want to meet Hagrid and get out of the castle, after having spent most of the night lurking in it. So I did.

"Long days?" Hagrid asked as I flopped down on a cushiony chair in Hagrid's hut.

He poured some strong tea into two mugs.

"Not exactly a long day." I replied truthfully, scratching Fang's ear, "Busy night."

And then taking my mug I told him Neville's tale about the three-headed dog. I could see Hagrid's face tense and he pressed his lips.

"I'll tell Harry I meet him," Hagrid said sternly, "But that corridor is blocked for a reason."

"It's guarding something isn't it?" I yawned.

Hagrid almost dropped his cup, "How'd you- No can't tell yer anything else."

And then he got up and went out. October was settling in and Hagrid was tending to the pumpkins for the Halloween Feast.
A large forest of trees stood next to Hagrid's house.

"So this is the Forbidden Forest Fred and George told me about..." I said facing the towering trees.

"Better not listen to them Weasley twins, Bells." Hagrid advised me, before I left for the castle, "You'll be askin' for trouble."


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