21) Tricked by the Trickster

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Ron, Harry, and Hermione paid frequent trips to Hagrid, trying to convince him that he had to set 'Norbert' the dragon free. I helped avoid suspicion by spreading an unhealthy rumor that Fang had sprouted two heads and Hagrid was needing help.

Unfortunately, Harry was caught unawares by Professor McGonagall who enquired about Fang's health and heads.

"You could've told me about the rumor, you know!" Harry said, "You should've seen McGonagall's face when she got to know that Fang had only one head, and was not vomiting beetles."

George and Fred kept delaying me and so I decided to go it solo.

"Any luck?" I asked Ron, after one of their visits to Hagrid.

"The dragon bit me!" He held out his swollen hand.

"Charlie, one of Ron's brothers has offered to collect Norbert today at midnight, at the top of the astronomy tower. D'you want to-?"

"-Come?" I finished Hermione's question, in the evening, "No. I intend to go to the Forbidden Forest today."

Hermione's eyes widened, but she clamped her mouth shut. She was going to go on a night prowl herself. The school was big enough for everybody.

As midnight rang, I crept downstairs dressed, my wand held aloft.

"Oh Bells Bells Bells." Fred's voice rang through the common room, "Don't go."

"What d'you mean?" I tried to keep my voice low, "And where's George?"

"Sleeping. Of course." He was sitting lazily by the fireplace.

"You don't have to go." He continued, turning his head to look at me, "You are not Harry Potter. You don't have to do stupid rash things just because you are a Gryffindor!"

"When did you become so sensible?" I sat down by the fireplace, inhaling the smoke.

Fred laughed, now staring at the dying embers.

"Ever since you came about, Bells." He said jokingly and offered me a chocolate frog which I accepted as a token of friendship.

I nibbled on it, thinking about Fred's true words, and found myself drifting off to sleep.

I woke up after a dreamless sleep in the morning sun. I had lied on the carpet the whole night? I scrambled to my feet. Parvati, Lavender, and two fifth years were the only ones up on a Sunday. They barely acknowledged my presence. Apparently, sleeping on the common room floor was common.

I was sure that Fred had put a Sleeping Draught in that Chocolate Frog! When I went for breakfast, I was amazed to see the Gryffindor hourglass at its lowest.

There were murmurs about it throughout the Hall.

"We were caught," Harry said briefly. "McGonagall cut off points from the three of us. Fifty each."

I scowled. Leave it to Harry to rebel. Leave it to Harry to become famous. Leave it to Harry to do irrelevant unheroic acts.


The Life of Bells Potter PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now