32) Through the barrier

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On the way back home, Ron, Hermione, Harry, and I took up a whole compartment in the Hogwarts Express, discussing Harry's story and mine, this time the whole one, contemplating choices.

Once the discussion got too tiring, I bought some Bertie Botts Jellybeans, Chocolate Frogs, and Cauldron Cakes from the Trolley witch.

Once you got used to them, wizard sweets were alright.

"Got Nicholas Flamel!" Harry laughed showing the Chocolate Frog card to us.

"Oh, about that..." I dug inside my school robe pocket, hoping it was this set and luckily it was.

The card had become battered and folded and I winced while giving it to Harry.
The Dumbledore in it winked at both of us before it disappeared from the frame. Harry pocketed it in his jeans.

As Platform three and quarters drew nearer, I changed into Muggle clothing.
We clambered onto the platform, Hedwig chirruping loudly, having woken up from a nap.

"See you, Potter!" Terry Boot, a Ravenclaw jostled past us as we entered King's Cross through the barrier.

"Mum!" A tiny girl's voice exclaimed, pointing at me and Harry, "There they are! Mum, look!"

It was Ginny Weasley, Ron's younger sister.

"Thank you for the jumper!" Harry and I thanked Mrs. Weasley who waved it off.

"You must come and stay this summer,' said Ron, 'both of you – I'll send you an owl."

He spoke mostly to Harry and Hermione but made eye contact with me.

"Ready?" Harry asked me grinning, but his grin wiped out as we faced Uncle Vernon, purple-faced.

"Bye Harry then! Bye Bells!" Hugging me, Hermione went with her parents as Mrs. Weasley tried to initiate a friendly conversation with Uncle Vernon.

"Goodbye Mrs. Weasley!" I said, putting a smile on her confused face, "Bye Ron, George, Fred, er Percy!"

"Bye Bells!" Cried the twins in unison.

Harry and a mischievous look, and I knew why. He was going to ruin Dudley's summer of fun with some hocus pocus, and I was already part of the plan.


The Life of Bells Potter PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now