12) Potions

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On Friday, just before the weekend, we had our first double Potions with the Slytherins. Something that mattered a lot to Harry and Ron.

On Friday morning, Hedwig delivered a letter to me.

Dear Bells and Harry,

Hope you've had an enjoyable week at Hogwarts. Care to join me for tea at my hut at 3 pm today? Do send an answer back with Hedwig.


"Yes please!" Harry said, when I showed him the letter, "I'm in."
I scribbled a 'Yes' from both of us.

The rivalry Harry and Ron had with Blondie was amusing to watch.

Potions was difficult. The subject, not Snape. Snape ignored me like most of the school and treated Harry like dirt unlike most of the school.

Blondie and his hunks were sniggering most of the time, whenever Snape criticized any Gryffindor, especially Harry.

I mixed a potion for curing boils with Seamus Finnigan, whose cauldron was smoking. Mine on the other hand was hissing and spitting and before I could nudge Hermione for help, the potion overflowed and tipped into Seamus' which caused a loud bang.
Both of our faces were covered with soot, and I waited for Snape to descend on us as the Slytherins laughed.

"You fool!" He turned to Seamus, "Did you not read the instructions on the blackboard? Add the dried nettles after stirring the potion!"

"It wasn't mine-"
"Professor, it was mine!" I admitted, ready to bear the brunt.

But before Snape could utter a word from his thin mouth, Neville caused a mess, his potion spilling on the floor.

"Lucky save." Harry who had been not so lucky said, after Potions.

I had to go to the hospital wing to cure the minor burns the explosion had caused, and Harry went to Hagrid's with Ron in tow without me.

Madam Pomfrey, the matron, applied a salve and made me sit on one of the beds as she healed Neville who was covered in boils, moaning in pain.


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