28) Seeker at last

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I finally heeded Hermione and went to the hospital to get myself fixed. Ron was lying on a bed next to a sleeping Harry.

"Tut tut!" Madam Pomfrey looked at me, and took me to another bed, "Honestly," She applied an ointment, "If 1st years are about crashing through the glass, I wonder what the elders will do next!"

She bustled to attend to Ron who was being held in an uncomfortable position.

I got out of the Hospital Wing, after a day, only to be cornered by McGonagall and Oliver Wood.

"There you are Bells!" She said briskly, "I'll go now Wood. You tell her."

I thought there had been nothing more to tell. The whole school had heard about Quirrell and the Philosopher's Stone and Harry, Ron, and Hermione's heroic acts by now.
For once, I was glad that my adventure wasn't out in the open because I was too ashamed to talk about it, let alone revel in its glory.

"You're playing Seeker the day after." Wood informed me, taking me to the Quidditch pitch.

I stood there motionless and let out a huge 'What?!'

"Harry's out cold, and it's too late to hold tryouts, so McGonagall put your name forward." He said sheepishly.

"I- I haven't any experience!" I argued.

"You do want to play, don't you?"

"I do," I admitted.

Wood handed me Harry's Nimbus 2000.

I spent the next twenty-four hours out on the pitch with the rest of the team, who were unbothered by the way I played. Only Fred and George seemed to pay me any attention apart from Wood.

I was an utter failure as a Seeker. Even Wood regretted accepting McGonagall's suggestion.
The match was also a failure for Gryffindor. I scanned the pitch for the glinting gold Snitch, and the other houses' Seeker caught the Snitch which was hovering delicately under my broom.

We lost by a humiliating and deflating margin. Wood was devasted, and so was everybody else...

"Leave it to the Potter twins to mess the House Cup..." I heard Lavender Brown telling Parvati.

I betted that the rest of the Gryffindors were thinking along the same lines.

"Don't feel too good about yourself, now, do you?" Blondie flanked by his two hunks found me alone in a corridor.

"Oh shut it Blondie." I shoved past him, "I honestly feel great to spank you."

"Spank me?" He laughed mirthlessly.

"Yes." I said firmly, not backing down, "You need a spanking Blondie. You are just plain mean and a horrid bully. You think you have to be like this because you are a 'Malfoy'... News Flash! You are not defined by your surname!"

I stalked away. Blondie was a hypocrite, pretending to be all high and mighty when he was ordinary.


The Life of Bells Potter PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now