8) Blondie Malfoy

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I got up, done chitchatting with the Weasley twins. I could see a castle on the distant horizon. I had to change into robes. Without even muttering a 'goodbye' I rudely ran down, passing the carriages, reaching my compartment, only to find it blocked by two hunks.

"Move!" I pushed past them, to find the Diagon Alley blonde boy smirking at a red-faced Ron.

"Who are you?" He asked crudely, staring down at me as if I were filth, "Not another Weasley?" He judged my red-brown hair.

"Let's play a game!" I said, faking my cheeriness, "I'll tell you my name if you get out... Blondie!"

Ron snorted. Blondie was too stunned to react. Perhaps, he never got a wide smile whenever he teased somebody.

"Now." I used the same cheeriness, "Get Out."

Blondie obeyed, but not before he said, for dramatic effect, "Watch your step at school. I'll see you there."

"Draco Malfoy." Harry explained, "Makes Dudley look human."

"I can handle a thousand Dudleys and Blondies. I hope we don't have to teach Blondie the same lesson... But I'm not surprised if I have to." I cracked my knuckles, as Harry chortled.

I shooed the two boys out as well and changed into my robes.


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