26) Running up the that hill (to the castle)

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For a second I rejoiced, and then I looked at my hands which had become scarred, from my short fight.

But those scars did not matter... Quirrell...


He was going up the school.

I ran as fast as my feet could take me. I had to reach the school. They might not be expecting somebody to steal the Stone. I cut through brooks, and puddles and fell twice over roots.
My knees were brown, and my skin looked like it had been cut by glass in several places after I emerged from the Forest.

It was the dead of the night, and I could hear Fang's moans from Hagrid's hut. Apart from the cricket's chirping, there was no unsettling noise.

I rushed past, into the castle, not stopping to catch my breath.
I met Hermione who was emerging from the trapdoor on the third floor, with an injured Ron in tow.

"We have no time!" I said shrilly, helping them out.

Fluffy was knocked into a deep slumber.

"Where's Harry?" I asked the pair of them, who were on brooms in an equal hurry.

"C'mon Bells!" Ron took me on his broom and we flew to the owlery.

"It's Quirrell!" I told him, "He has two faces, and has been working with Voldemort this whole time!"

"We've got to tell Dumbledore!" Hermione fastened a message on a screech owl, "Harry's alone dealing with Snape!"

"It's not Snape!" I told her frantically, "It's Quirrell!"

She stopped in surprise, finally seeing me, and my bleeding arms.


"-The owl Hermione!" I reminded her, and she resumed tying the roll of paper on it.

We waited, breathless as the owl took flight and vanished into the horizon.

"You both need to go to Madam Pomfrey!" Hermione said perceptively, pointing at my bleeding arms, scarred hands, and Ron's bruised body.

"First tell me!" I exclaimed anxiously, "What happened?!"

Hermione regaled their events and the hurdles they faced and crossed, while Ron commented in between, with bits of his own.

"Now you tell!" Hermione said, helping us down the staircases, and making our way to Dumbledore's office.

I told them shamelessly, how I'd faced the Dark wizard, leaving out the part that he'd used the Killing Curse.

Both of them could not believe their ears when I explained how it was Quirrell.

"But it was supposed to be Snape!" Ron said, "It had to be him, not Quirrell!"

I took them to Dumbledore's office which mercifully opened at the earlier password. We sat there, much to Hermione's annoyance waiting for the Headmaster.

"We really should go to the hospital wing you know!" Hermione said earnestly after half an hour had passed when my arms had managed to leak blood through the flimsy dressing she had made.

"C'mon Hermione!" Ron said as he touched Dumbledore's enchanting objects, mesmerized, "I'd rather want to know what happens to Harry than-"

At that moment, the door flew open and a tired Dumbledore stepped in. He was startled to see the three of us there.


The Life of Bells Potter PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now