15) Slytherin Common Room

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I found myself near the Potion's classroom. The dungeons? Again? I looked around for Filch, but he wasn't there. Had the castle played tricks on me? Again?

I did not want to run into Snape, because my luck had run out now, and I was in for detention if caught. I went through a corridor and got myself hopelessly lost.
Scared a little bit, I sat down on the stone steps thinking that at least in the morning I'd be found. Harry and the others would've probably escaped and gone back to the common room.

Suddenly I heard a slab of stone moving, and I saw one of Blondie's hunks emerging from behind it. I slipped into the room, without thinking it through.

The room was empty and green, with hanging green lamps and chairs and a fireplace that did nothing to warm the place. The room extended partway under the lake, giving it a greenish tinge. It smelt wintry and had a pine scent to it.

Bloody hell. I had walked into the Slytherin Common Room.

"Come back so soon Goyle? It's like you never left-" Blondie who was sitting in the shadows got up and stopped.

"Potter's sister? How did you-?" He was stunned and then saw my hand clasped dangerously around my wand.

That did it.

"The name's Bells Potter, Blondie." I raised my wand menacingly, "Not a scream out of your mouth you backstabbing slippery Slytherin."

I marched out of the room, amazed that I had pulled that off.
As I got out of the dungeons, I miraculously met the Gryffindor ghost floating on the second floor who scolded me but helped me get back to the common room.

I just wanted to get into my blanket and sleep. I found Harry pacing, with Ron snoring by the fireplace.

"Where were you-?" Harry began.

"-You abandoned me!" I cut him off.

Ron woke with a jerk, "Blimey Bells! Where'd you go? What'd Filch do to you?"

"I don't think I'm answerable to you Harry Potter! And you either Ronald Weasley!" I said savagely and went to my dormitory.

Hermione was awake in bed, waiting for me. I was in no mood to talk to her. Gryffindors left no one behind! The four of them had left me, but I had gotten the last laugh in the end by escaping Filch and threatening Blondie.


The Life of Bells Potter PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now