5) The Weasley Family

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"Woahh..." Harry had come up behind me, "This is unbelievable."

We veered our trolleys near the Hogwarts Express.
Students and parents were chattering, giving instructions and last-minute hugs. I felt lost in the crowd.

"Need help with that?" One of the red-headed twins asked Harry and me.

"Sure, thanks." The three of us found an empty compartment and loaded our trunks and Hedwig's cage into it.

Harry brushed off the hair that was coming into his eyes, and the boy stopped in surprise.

"Why, you are Harry Potter?"

"Um yes." Harry sat down on the couch, pressing his hair flat down again to cover his famous scar.

"And I'm Bells Potter." I did this to draw attention away from Harry, and also to remind people that he had a sister.

The boy grinned, "Hello Bells. I'm Chimes. A pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

He left the compartment, winking at Harry, to join his family at the platform.

"You try hard to make a fool of yourself, don't you Bells?" Harry chuckled, "Also, they are the Weasley family."

I rolled my eyes.

The family had gathered near our compartment window. The boy was talking to his mother and twin and little sister while Ron was trying to load his luggage onto the train.

"Met Harry Potter." Chimes told his twin and mother, "And some cranky girl named Bells."

Harry silently chortled.

"Harry Potter!" The little sister squealed in delight, "And Isabella Potter! Can I go and meet them, mum? Please?"

Mrs. Weasley strictly told her no.

"Isabella?" Chimes mused, "Wonder why she calls herself Bells..."

The Hogwarts Express whistled, and Mrs. Weasley warned her boys, as they got on the train, "I don't want you ogling at the poor twins. Especially Harry! Understood? Fred? George?"

With goodbyes, the train left, speeding its way to Hogwarts.


The Life of Bells Potter PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now