31) The Results

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The exam results came out a day later. I barely passed in Potions. But my outstanding Transfiguration, Defence against the Dark Arts, and Charms results made up for atrocious Potions. Harry and Ron passed with good marks, while Hermione topped in almost everything except for... Transfiguration and Charms (we got equal scores in Defence Against the Dark Arts).

"You both are freaking mad!" Ron saw our mild reactions, "If I topped any subject, I'd do a cartwheel or hand out sweets! All you did was squeal."

"C'mon Ron," Hermione mistook his jab as a cry of sympathy, "I think that your Herbology paper was really good, and I'm sure-"

Harry burst out laughing, at Ron's horror-struck expression.

The term ended as quickly as it began. We packed our trunks. My shield, thanks to a reversible lightweight charm fitted easily. I couldn't believe I had finished a year already!


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