1) Magically Me

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Hello. I'm Isabella James Potter. But everybody calls me Bells because I tell them to. I'm ten years old, and I live with my aunt and uncle- The Dursleys.

Oh, and did I mention I have a twin brother? I did not. Huh. Well, you've heard of him... The great Harry Potter! And I'm his sister...

Our parents died in a 'car crash' and our 'kind' aunt and uncle took us in.

Both of us were given a single room upstairs, and we managed to get through all the Dursleys bullying us by sticking up for each other. Ever since I punched Dudley, our unkind cousin, he's stopped troubling the two of us.

Aunt Petunia gives me old clothes she picks up from small shops which hang from my bony frame. She's a little less mean to me than to Harry.

So far, life has been the same. Except for those little moments when strangers walking down the street grab Harry by the arm excitedly and scare him out of his wits. It's like he's famous! Which is funny... Because he's not famous at home.

Harry and I are unlike... I have dark wavy auburn hair that hangs by my shoulders and green eyes. I'm also visibly taller than Harry who is scrawny with messy black hair and round spectacles. If I tried, I could lift him and bounce him. It is truly a sorry sight.

He has an interesting lightning bolt scar on his forehead though.

Me... On the other hand... I'm a woman with many talents. I can play the piano. I taught myself to play it by sneaking out to Mrs. Figg's (our neighbour's) house and practicing on her dusty piano.

I also play basketball at school. Dudley has developed a sort of respect for me over the years, and ever since I punched him, I get to eat his second helpings! I share these small treats with Harry.
I wonder... How miserable life would have been for Harry with the Dursleys if I weren't there?

I pity Harry sometimes. He's just got me...

That was reserved till a day ago.

Everything changed on our eleventh birthday.


The Life of Bells Potter PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now