3) Codswallop

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After getting our wands we had lunch in the Leaky Cauldron. Warlocks, Goblins, and Witches couldn't help but stare at Harry.

He became uncomfortable and shifted in his seat whenever he got a look...

"Hagrid," I began, spooning the last of my beans, "What happened to Voldemort?"

"SHhhh!" Hagrid's beetle black eyes became frantic, "Nobody says the name out loud. Call him You-Know-Who."

Hagrid paused, and nervously answered, "Nobody knows what happened ter him. I reckon he's outside, bin bidding his time. Codswallop, in me opinion."

Harry and I exchanged looks. I had so many questions... And perhaps, with time, they'd get answered.

"Here's yer tickets." Hagrid handed us both tickets to the Hogwarts Express, "Train leaves at 11 pm on September 1st! Take care, and don't let the Muggles let yer down!"

Hagrid waved us goodbye, as we made our way back to the Dursleys to spend the rest of the summer left.


The Life of Bells Potter PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now