23) Lost in Thought

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I trudged, lost in thought about Dumbledore's words, and forgot to be mean to Fred mumbling an 'Excuse Me' as I walked through the common room.

"Thank you, Bells." Parvati stirred to hug me when I entered the dormitory.

"Errr... No problem." I was caught unawares and let go.

"I'm sorry that I didn't like you at the start," Parvati continued, "I liked Harry, you know, and felt that you were a liability to him, and now I see that you have character. So um sorry for ever doubting you!"

Scared that she'd said too much she snapped her mouth shut. My eyes widened. Was that how people were seeing me? A liability to Harry's popularity?
We had dinner in half an hour, and I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione huddled once again in their discussions.

"Hello, Bells." Fred passed me the treacle tart.

I ignored him. He merely grinned, as I took some treacle tart.

"You missed Quirrell's class!" Hermione growled at me as I scraped the remains of my food, "And you missed Herbology after that too!"

"Yes!" Ron joined in, "Why'd you have to miss Quirells' class?"

"I don't have to be answerable to you!" Shocked at the way they snapped at me, I clapped back.

I was in a grouchy mood throughout the rest of dinner, Parvati's words still on my mind.

"I'd be taking Harry, Hermione, Malfoy n Neville to the Forest tomorrow night for their detention." Hagrid told me as we filed out, "Yer know... Ter help me catch what's killin' the unicorns."

"Oh." I breathed softly, "See you later..."

I understood what Hagrid was trying to hint, that I could accompany them... But I was honestly exhausted.
The days passed in a blur of revision.

Harry told Ron and me about the spectacular night of detention... It was as if he went head-on into danger purposely.
While Ron and Harry debated about the three-headed dog whose name was Fluffy, the hidden Philosopher's Stone, and Voldemort, I poured over Potions.

"How are you not interested?" Harry asked me, while we practiced Charms, "In the Philosopher's Stone, and Snape?"

"Honestly Harry," I said, practicing the unlocking charm lazily, "I'm a cool person. I don't hate Snape or Blondie as you do and I don't like to run into places I'm not supposed to!"

"What about the Forbidden Forest? I overheard a little something with Fred and George..."

"I find that place intriguing with all its creatures. Charming, truly. And now you tell me that it's the villain's lair... I mean, it's too good an opportunity!"

Harry let out a mirthless laugh.


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