18) Commentary on the pitch

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Harry was invested in the upcoming Quidditch match in November. Fred and George were on the team along with Wood.
Wood, I learned was in Percy's year. Then I remembered, I had seen Wood before talking to Percy heatedly on the Hogwarts Express. 

I found myself walking to Hagrid's loads of times in the frosty weather. Ron and Hermione accompanied me, but I was alone most of the time.

I rarely wondered about the mysterious package and the three-headed dog and tried not to talk about it with Hagrid, because then he'd play deaf.

He was earnest as we chattered about all the creatures living in the forest which enamoured me for some reason.

"There are yer unicorns, centaurs, some wild werewolves... I keep them Thestrals in a small patch as well... There's much of the Forest I haven't discovered..." Hagrid said, pausing in between, trying to remember.

"Bells Potter!" McGonagall called me, after a Transfiguration class, "A word!"

Thinking it might be because of my homework or some stupid assignment, I waited back.

"I'd like you to commentate on the upcoming match." McGonagall said, losing her professionalism, "Your brother is on the team... And you aren't... I think James would've been displeased if you weren't involved in Quidditch. This is as close I can get you."

I nodded, uncertainly.

I had agreed to commentate, but I did not know a bloody thing about commentating.

"Be confident Bells," Hermione told me, on the morning of the match during breakfast.

"Just be yourself," Fred said, playing with his porridge.

I nervously took my place and McGonagall handed me a microphone. The match versus Slytherin began.

Needless to say that the match went well. Gryffindor won! Harry caught the Golden Snitch! And I was quite the success, mind you.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione went off to Hagrid's after the match, while I joined the party in the common room. Fred and George had nicked sweets and pumpkin juice from the kitchen.

I nibbled the end of a Chocolate Frog while the others splashed drinks. I got my wizarding card as Dumbledore whose bright blue eyes winked at me before disappearing.

I tucked it in my robes, meaning to give it to Harry who had started collecting them recently.


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