13) On a Broom

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Harry told me all about the visit to Hagrid's about some Gringott's break-in and Hagrid emptying a vault that day itself. Only half of my mind was listening to him, the other half was concentrating on the flying lesson with the Slytherins that was scheduled for later.

Throughout the morning, all the 1st years chattered about flying. Blondie bragged, and I felt like smacking his loud mouth.

The flying lesson was even more interesting than Potions. The Slytherin- Gryffindor rivalry was heightened.
As Neville fell and had another accident, Madam Hooch took him to the hospital wing.

Blondie took advantage of the teacher's absence and found Neville's Remembrall fallen on the ground. He grabbed a broom and went up flying, while the Slytherins cheered him on.

"That's Neville's!" I shouted while he made a face.

I grabbed a broom, and so did Harry and we went to tackle him. I sped at him, and wrestled the Remembrall from a shaken Blondie, and threw it to Harry who caught it diving impressively.
Blondie skidded to a halt on the ground, his face sour. Harry and I, emerged victorious only to find a fierce McGonagall thundering across the field.

She took hold of Harry, while I nimbly followed the pair of them to get someone named Oliver Wood... 
Wood's face seemed familiar... I had seen him distinctly somewhere before... But, my stupid brain was unable to place him

"Wood- I've found you a Seeker." McGonagall thrust Harry forward, "The boy's a natural."

Wood's face lit up, and I could see that we weren't going to get punished. Instead, Harry was going to join the Gryffindor Quidditch Team as Seeker.

"What about Bells?" Harry asked before Wood went inside to resume his class.

"Oh," McGonagall said crisply, "She's a Chaser for sure. But... I expect the positions are already full."

I was expected to look disappointed, but I was relieved. I didn't care, at the moment, whether I would be on the team or not.


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