6) Ronald Weasley

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"Can I join you?" Ron entered our train compartment, "Everywhere else, it's full."

"Sure." Harry made space for him.

"So you are Harry Potter?" Ron confirmed eagerly.

Harry nodded, while I stared plainly out of the window, hearing their conversation vaguely.

"...So that's where You-Know-Who-?" Ron continued, talking about Harry's scar.

"Yes, but all I remember is a lot of green light."

"Wow." Ron stopped.

"Are all your family wizards?" Harry asked, genuinely interested, "And you've got three elder brothers as well!"

"Well yes... I've got five elder brothers. Bill and Charlie have already left Hogwarts. Percy's a prefect here, and Fred and George who are twins, are popular and funny. I've got a lot to live up to."

The landscape had changed and farms and fields full of cows and sheep flashed by.

Around noon, as I almost dozed off, a plump witch stopped by our compartment carrying a trolley filled with goodies.

"Anything off the trolley dearies?" She asked us.

I handed her some silver and bought a stack of Pumpkin Pasties and some jelly beans. Harry bought a bit of everything.

"Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans." Ron pointed, at the packet, I held in my hand, "You do know that they mean every flavour, don't you?"

I popped one blue jellybean, and it was extremely salty.

"Ickk!" I exclaimed, eating a safe pasty to get the flavour out of my mouth, while Ron and Harry laughed.

"What'd you get?" Ron asked, unwrapping a Chocolate Frog Harry gave him.

"Saltwater. Disgusting."

I lost my appetite after that jellybean. Imagine eating a tablespoon of salt... I got up and opened the door, intending to get out.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked me, not taking his eyes off his Chocolate Frog card.

"To roam." I spoke firmly, "Alone. So you stay in because I don't want people staring."

Harry gave a weak grin as I shut the door behind me.


The Life of Bells Potter PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now