24) The final decision

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The exam week was frustrating. My hair had lost its sprung.

It was swelteringly hot, especially in the large classroom where we did our written papers. We had been given special, new quills for the exams, which had been bewitched with an Anti-Cheating spell.
We had practical exams as well. I sucked at Potions and managed to turn the Forgetfulness Potion into an Anti-Hairfall one by messing up the steps.

Luckily Snape did not comment on my cauldron, and I made up for my disastrous Potions exam by outperforming Hermione in Transfiguration.

At last, all of us walked out of our History of Magic exam; finished with our exams!
While I had resumed talking to Harry, the other Gryffindors had not forgotten the whole points incident.

"You three are going to the room tonight, aren't you?" I asked Hermione, as she sat twitching at dinner.

"We have no choice!" She murmured, "Dumbledore's gone. Snape will be after it Bells! We have no choice!"

I nodded understanding. Exams were over, I deserved a reward. I was also going to the Forbidden Forest tonight. Right after dinner.

If it was Voldemort/ Snape hiding in the Forbidden Forest feeding on innocent unicorns... I wanted to be the one he fought before they went to the school for the Stone.
I wanted to be the one to fight the person who was responsible for leaving me an orphan.
I'd do it for my parents. For the family, we could've been.

"Bells?" George poked me, "You look funny. And you've destroyed your chicken."

I cast my eyes on my plate. My fork had been shredding my chicken and peas into uneven pieces, and my eyebrows were contorted furiously.


The Life of Bells Potter PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now