9) Hatstall

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The train stopped, and Harry, Ron, and I walked out. Hermione and another 1st-year round-faced boy named Neville joined us. Hagrid made all of us 1st years which included Blondie, and a bunch of other kids, sit in boats and cross the lake that faced the school castle as tradition.

Hermione kept sprouting facts about the Sorting Ceremony, the teachers, and the four houses. Neville and I were the only ones who listened to her.

Ron and Harry had become good friends, while I hadn't managed to make a single one! So, I stuck to Neville's and Hermione's side.

We were then ushered to the Great Hall where the rest of the students and teachers were waiting for us. There were four tables for the four houses, with their house colours hanging from the enchanted ceiling. An old wizard with a long beard and pointed hat sat on the high end of the teacher's table.

So he was Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, and the only one Voldemort ever feared. For a second I made eye contact with him, but then he turned to talk to a hooked-nosed teacher.

I recognized Hagrid, and I waved at him. He gave me a big thumbs-up.

The Sorting Ceremony was well... To put on a hat. Neville and Hermione got sorted into Gryffindor. Blondie and his pair of hunks got into Slytherin.

"Potter Harry." A stern-looking Professor McGonagall announced his name.

A buzz flew around the Great Hall, everybody whispering his name.

Harry stumbled to the stool and sat down. Professor McGonagall placed the hat on his head, and I exchanged nervous glances with Ron.

Harry's face tensed and after a minute, the Hat roared, "GRYFFINDOR!"

The Gryffindor table's cheers drowned the Hall, and a grinning Harry went to sit with the rest of the Weasley brothers.

"Potter Isabella." Professor McGonagall called my name, as the cheers quietened.

She was trying hard not to smile.

I put the Hat on.

'Bells Potter, eh?' A voice, not my own, spoke in my head, 'Much like your mother, you are. You would do well no doubt in Slytherin. It could be the making of you... Then again... It could rub off the courage and indomitable spirit in the wrong way... But I see a fierce stubborn woman as well..."

On and on the voice debated in my head for what seemed like an hour, while everybody watched with bated breath.

McGonagall exchanged bemused looks with the Headmaster behind me, and I could hear the whispers of the students slowly growing.

All this while... Harry never broke eye contact. He still needed me by his side, no matter how much attention he had gotten or if he had Ron... I had been with him throughout his time with the Dursleys, when he got the Hogwarts letter, through everything... And now, he genuinely didn't care whether he was famous or not, he needed me.

Gryffindor it had to be.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The Hat roared almost immediately, and this time the whole Hall cheered.

"You took seven minutes Bells!" Hermione told me loudly, through the commotion, as I sat between her and George, "You're a Hatstall!"

"Glad we're in the same house," Harry said later, hugging me.

Ron Weasley got sorted into Gryffindor as well and gave me a high five. Albus Dumbledore said a few words, and within the blink of an eye, the empty plates were filled with food.

I piled some roast potatoes, chicken, and gravy onto my plate, having had no proper lunch on the train.

"Congrats on making it to Gryffindor." Fred, who sat on the other side of George, wished me, "Took up time, but it was worth it!"

"Fanks Fred." I managed; my mouth full.

Percy Weasley, Ron's prefect brother was busy answering Harry's 'Who's Who'.

"Hagrid, Snape, Quirell, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Sprouts, Flitwick." George pointed to a select few teachers from the table.

"Snape is just horrid!" He resumed cutting up his pie, "He favours the Slytherins and loathes the Gryffindors."

"What about the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs? Are they any good?" I asked, my voice louder than I intended it to be.

I got some funny looks from the Hufflepuff table.

"An-Any Good?" Percy spluttered, "Ravenclaw contains the cleverest and brightest minds! Hufflepuff has the most loyal and dedicated students! Slytherins are ambitious and cunning while Gryffindors are courageous and true to heart! Didn't you listen to the Sorting Hat song?"

Percy, I realized, was my least favourite Weasley.


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