109 - Let's face facts

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The TV is on with all the glass walls opened up to let some air into the place, Ahri is standing in the mini kitchen swaying from side to side as she is munching on some snacks that she found in one of the cupboards.

"Making enough for the rest of us?" she takes a bite of a biscuit as she shakes her head, then scrunches up her face to mock me for being without snacks.

She then holds her hand over her mouth trying to swallow before asking, "Want something to drink? I just made myself some tea and was going to go lay down outside under the shade."

"Please. Coffee will do."

She nods as she spins around to grab me a cup and start making me some, "Evelynn is probably going to sleep the entire day at some point - mind waking her up in an hour or so? Don't want her taking a nap the entire Friday."

"School is draining."

She rolls her eyes, "It is hardly as bad as either of you make it out to be," she then points to my cup, as she takes another bite and walks away from the mini kitchen with her cup and bowl in hand.

I walk around the island and grab my cup to follow her towards the bar area just outside.

She sits down stretching her arms out over the counter as she lets out a moan, "It feels so nice not having to clean this place - it also feels so open and vibrant, so much light coming in and out of the house."

I chuckle, "Must be loads better than the apartment where you had to stay with Jake and Evelynn."

"Yup," she then props up her arm, "Back when mum was still around, it was so stuffy and dark. It felt like so much was just sucked out of it - when I moved in with those two it felt like I was talking to a wall, it was frustrating."


She nods, "It feels so fresh, I don't feel so lonely... it isn't like that feeling just disappears but I will work on it at my own pace. Just being with you, being with Eve, being with the rest of the girls, it is a welcome change."

I nod, "I almost thought I'd never get to see you smile so genuinely as often."

Lifting her shoulders, "I am slipping into the mindset rather quickly, it's comfy," she takes another bite of the biscuit, she tilts the bowl towards me as I take one for myself, "I can handle a lot of things on my own."

"Most people struggle with that much," I admit.

It is cool, I thought it would be difficult for her, that all of that would make it impossible and that she needed someone... all she ever needed was Evelynn back and that would be enough to get her back on track.

I then ask, "What about her?"

She gives me a confused look, "Michelle?"

I shake my head, "Your... mother?"

She gives me a weak smile but it disappears with a sad and angry expression, "I love her. I just wish there was more time, that maybe there was something I could do different but," she then giggles, "Would that even have done anything for me? I have this feeling that I will see her maybe in the future. I hope she comes to find me, I don't really care I just hope when it all comes to pass I get to see her at least once."

I nod, "I commend you, I don't think I would be able to do that."

"It..." she shakes her head, "It is weird, I am still angry. I still feel betrayed... but the moment I knew she was going to be gone forever it was like saying goodbye to the one person that was constantly kicking you in the gut."

"I hope you understand, that you don't think that I am being silly."

I shake my head, "I guess I can understand in my own way, but I probably wouldn't be able to forgive her."

Shaking her head, "I wasn't saying I will forgive her, I just want to see her... if only for one more time." She then looks at me, "What about you? Are you and your sister getting along?"

"Barely," I state, "There are a lot of things that need work, Angel on the other hand kinda just wants me to visit them more than anything... the two of us have been super close since forever."

"That's cute."

I roll my eyes, "Like how you and Eve were super close?"

"Not as cute," she states with a grin, "Welp. Things are working out - hell, Michelle is just something else."

"Still don't trust her?"

"I trust her to do what she wants," she admits, "I don't like Michelle, but she is realistic and very capable. She has her own twisted way of doing things and it gets results - I like the part of her that doesn't need to be a bitch to everyone."

Then with a chuckle, "But ever since she started doing things to help you, it is like that facade is slipping away quickly... even Eve has started to talk to her without being scared that something might happen."

"Do you think it is because it is me? Or that she sees someone else in me?"

Lifting her shoulders, "Michelle will never let you know, either way, she will take secrets like that to her grave and make sure you stay wondering just so that she is always on your mind, I don't think you will be able to forgive her."

But right now Michelle is counting her days, how long Michelle? How long till your heart gives in on you? Do we have enough time in this world for a heart that can replace your already dying one?

How is it fair that you are trying so hard only to die?

I want to tell all of you, but she made me promise that nobody will ever hear about this until it comes down to her final moments - why? So that you can force them to blame you? So that you get that final laugh?

Why are you making me do this, for fucks sake?

I hope you survive so that I can get that answer out to you. I won't allow you to keep it a secret.

Who am I kidding... she is bound to just lie to me just to give me the answer I want. You can't save everyone, I know that.

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now