Chapter 1

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"Excuse me Jackson are you gay?"
"Huh?" I look up to see Emily Rilfers above me with a troubleshooting look on her face, I was just sitting in the Library minding my business so I'm not exactly sure where she came from or why she just came up to me and ask me if I was a homosexual. "I asked if you are gay, So are you?" She repeated, I cocked an eyebrow closing my book before sighing.
"Why do you care what I am Emily?"
She froze for a second before saying "I saw you, In the back of the school this morning. You were kissing a guy right..?" So that's where this was getting at, She saw me with Simon. Luckily she doesn't know it was him but still, if she finds out about our secret relationship that can't be good for any of us, I bit my bottom lip before standing to face Emily face to face and she began fidgeting with her hands before asking "You're friend's with Chase White right, I saw wondering if maybe you'd be interested in helping me get a little closer to him in return of-"
"Are you blackmailing me??" I questioned
"Maybe..." She went quite slowly forming a smile on her face, I don't like Emily much but if she exposes to the school that I'm gay and so happen to be going out with Simon of all people that would ruin his reputation at home and school though for me it'd only ruin my confidence and my school reputation I don't want to fuck up Simon's life though so I guess I'll just have to put up with whatever she wants for now. "Alright Fine. What exactly do you want me to do?"
"Prom is a month from now and I'd like Chase to ask me to go with him but I always want him to fall for me so maybe you could find a way for us to talk? So maybe I could sit at you guy's lunch table today but I don't want him to ever know about this deal, Is that good??" Emily held her hand out to me with a smile on her face like she was the most innocent girl in the world but in reality, she was a coerced demon sent from hell, I wanted to roll my eyes into the back of my head but unfortunately, I had to shake her hand just to make sure she'll keep her end of the deal. I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to get Chase to even look at her Emily isn't even a ten out of ten she honestly looks like your average nerd that falls for the "king of high school" Chase on the other hand is a curly-headed soccer player who only has about three working brain cells, I pulled away from Emily grabbing my bag and instantly left the library without another word I should tell Simon about this but if I do he might just try and get involved which is a higher chance of us getting caught. Then again if I don't tell him and Emily sees us together there is a higher chance she'll be able to find out who I was with, I sent him a text telling him to meet me inside of the old chemistry room that was on the third floor and it's already been 3 minutes he probably got caught up in some useless conversation even though I told him it was important. "Jack? Are you in here?" Speak of the devil, I put my hand up to show him where I was sitting and he came right over it seemed like he was sweating too so maybe he wasn't talking to anyone he was probably outside doing PE "You're sweating, Sorry If I interrupted anything"
"No, It's alright you said it was important you usually don't text me at school unless it is important so what did you want to tell me?" He leaned back into his chair with a cocked eyebrow and I just swallowed before looking down at my hands, I can't even look him in the eyes this time I am so pathetic "Emily. She found out about us, Well not us but me she found out about me being you know and she saw us kissing behind the school now I'm being blackmailed into something I can't exactly get out of because if she finds out it's you she'd definitely let it get out to the entire school I'm sorry." I still can't believe I'm being blackmailed into helping a bitch get into a relationship, on top of that my relationship is at stake because of it; Simon didn't say anything the room went silent before Simon stood up taking my hand as we made our way outside the room "Ah, Wait where are we going? we can't just skip the rest of the day you know"
"I know that's why I'm taking you to your class now, Wait for me after school I'll come home with you so we can talk about this some more because one I don't know who Emily is, and two if she knows about you she'll find out about me if things continue to go they way they are now...Hiding this is getting harder and harder now get I'll text you once I'm out of class." I'm starting to think Simon gets upset whenever I get upset but before I could even say goodbye he was gone, Pretty much gave me my instructions and just left, what a great boyfriend he is I'm also here way too early I'm still on break for fifteen minutes, I tried calling Natalie a few times but she didn't even bother to answer me and so I took out my laptop beginning to work on homework I was supposed to do yesterday. Just like that the next thing I knew I was already in the classroom my only worry now is the conversation Simon and I are going to have to have later today.

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