Chapter 19

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Drew woke me up once we made it to my house it was only about 5 so I don't understand how I'm so drained right now maybe it's because of school and tryouts combined, Well it's going to be a normal thing now so I should probably get used to it. "Do you plan to go home with me or are you going to go Inside~?" He teased getting out of the car, I groaned watching him as he made his way over to my door opening it with a sly grin He has a nice face. "C'mon, I'll see you tomorrow." He grabbed my hand helping me outside the car before pulling me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around his back and he rested his head on top of mine. "Hey, I actually have something to tell you."
"What's up?"
"Remember what you told me before tryouts started...? Or more like before you pushed me."
He looked at the sky "Uhm, No not exactly..."
"You said you loved me, So uhm...I love you more Blue." I grabbed him by the strings on his jacket pulling him into a kiss before grabbing my bag and walking inside my house slamming the door behind me, That was the first time I ever said I loved him to his face and I made it so awkward.
"Oh, you're back, What's with the red face?"
I looked up at my Dad and just smiled, I can't remember the last time I've been this happy to be alive. "I had a good day." I even hugged him, I hardly hug my parents which is a bit weird but right now I'm just too excited to care.

"So you're Drew, You're way different than I thought you'd be you just have this vibe about you...I don't know how to explain it." Natalie took a sip of her coffee crossing her legs like an overprotective mother waiting for her teenage son to get back home past curfew. Drew just laughed it off scratching his neck awkwardly
"Yeah, I get that a lot believe it or not, Though I'm glad Jackson has a friend he wanted me to meet I've seen you all over the place."
"Offff course, I guess I'm well known for a lot of different things here. Jacksonnnn why're you so quietttt your homework can't be that hard? lemme see!" She smiled grabbing my laptop by the rim while I just watched and sighed Natalie called me last night and asked me and Drew me to meet her earlier so she could meet him but being here 55 minutes earlier is a bit much.
"Oh, Pretty Boy~"
I turned to face Drew and once he did he had put something in my hair and told me to sit still, I gave him a confused look and he just smiled before Natalie gave me my laptop back
"I tried to do it but I suck at math my bad."
"You seriously suck."
"Whatt! Hey uncalled for!" She pinched my cheek with a smile and I couldn't help but smile while pushing her away. Natalie left once she saw the art teacher walking inside leaving me and Drew alone again surprisingly they get along great, I was a little anxious Natalie have some sort of threatening area with him because I got cheated on luckily that wasn't the case "Aghh, we still have 40 minutes!?! Can we go on a walk Babe, Pleaseeeee~?" Drew wrapped his arms around my shoulders beginning to whine, I don't want him to be bored or another but at the same time if we leave the campus my intentions would take over and there is no way I'd come back "Em, Fun fact I have a bad habit of skipping...Probably not a good idea for me to leave campus." I laughed and Drew let go of me crossing his arms and resetting his head on the rusty wooden table "You know what, That is rather surprising coming from you I would've thought of you as the always 10 minutes early type before I actually knew you. You're worst than I thought, I can work with that~" He moved closer to my ear and purred. What. The. Fuck. "D-Don't. Don't do that ever again ohhh my god." I turned away hiding my head underneath my shirt as Drew laughed in amusement, My face is hot. The amount of tension that was in those words just sent multiple shivers down my spine but it was so attractive..? I don't even know if that's the right word but it was hot coming from Drew, I feel like I'm having a gay panic. "Oh wait actually come with me." I grabbed my bag before running off to one of my favorite spots, I've never shown Drew, and since we have nothing to do I might as well right?


"Mh...So what's so special about the back of the school? Is this where you'd skip your classes?" He pulled me in by my waist while I smiled "Sometimes but this place also has a lot to do with why Emily outted me actually..."
"Elaborate~?" I sighed, He definitely knows it has something to do with Simon otherwise he probably wouldn't have asked at all "Long story short Emily caught me and you know who back here doing this and so she blackmailed me into getting this guy to ask her out but since me and you know who broke up I don't have to worry about that anymore since it's not my problem. I just love being back here especially because we're alone, Any normal people who come over and see us will leave us alone if anything." Drew didn't say anything, He just pinned my back up against the wall and lifted my head by my chin "Do you mind being late?"
"If it's because of you not at all." I smiled and Drew laughed parting my lips with his thumb before kissing me once more, I've said this countless times but Drew is such an amazing kisser. He had his hands on either side of me continuing to push his lips against mine I think I could stay like this forever "Oh, Jackson!?! Wait a minute, Drew?" Drew's lips slipped away from mine as we both turned to see Jackie but not only her but also—as rumors say "Amazing Boyfriend".

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