Chapter 21

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I lost my temper, I don't know how or why but I actually lost my temper. He makes it seem like I'm the bad guy I wasn't able to see how manipulative his words could be until now but now that I'm looking back on a few things he's said to me I understand what type of person Simon truly is.
A dick.
I threw him the bandages before clicking my teeth, I was going to be nice to him this one last time but if he wants to put his problems on me and have the nerve to call me selfish I'd rather tell him to go fuck himself. "W-Wait Jackson that's not what I meant I'm-"
"After everything. I loved you, I followed your rules, We did what you wanted to do, and I kept it a secret for five months just for you. You were my first love god Dammit, just because I don't want to be hurt emotionally for a long period of time doesn't make me selfish. You brought all of this onto yourself for thinking I would just sit there and listen to every little thing you say... just how long did you plan to keep fucking with my feelings...? I hate you, Simon, I really do." I tried not to cry but I'm just so upset with him, I can't believe he was my boyfriend at some point in time, I moved my forearm over my eyes so I couldn't look at him. Drew isn't like him, Nothing like him, they're like complete opposites. Simon didn't even say anything to me he took advantage of me to the point he would never expect me to talk back to him nor yell at him just because he's more superior to me, I hope Jackie changes him for the better but if not I hope she gets away from him while she still can because I won't warn her and I'll make sure Drew won't either I want Simon to feel the same pain that I have too.
I left. I didn't even look back, I looked ahead the hallways were empty and so I made my way to find Drew. I stopped crying in the meantime but I really want to just cry my eyes out I would normally skip school when I felt like this but I don't want to be compared to how I used to be and on top of that I have practice after school. "Pretty Boy! God why do you walk so fast...I-Ahem I went to that bathroom sorry I didn't know you left!" Drew panted pointing in the opposite direction he looked so worried, I smiled instantly hugging him "I love you...Thank you, Blue."
He didn't hesitate to hug me but he did hesitate to speak like he had something he wanted to say but he wasn't able to put it into words and so he just said "You have no idea how much I love you." Those words filled my stomach with butterflies which is a common thing that Drew does to my body it's so weird.


Drew took me to the class office but he wasn't allowed to stay with me unfortunately though he tried, they threaded him with detention well multiple in fact and so I had to convince him to go luckily Mrs. Felton took over the situation and winked at me before leaving to tell me she'd be keeping him in the counseling room actually known as her "personal office".

"So Jackson Robinsion, I've heard of you before most people say you're a great kid why are you trying to switch your classes with Simon _____(Last name)?"

"Oh. Long story short I'm not comfortable being in the same room with him and possibly being paired with him in any group or project. I don't want to get into details but I just.."
"It's okay Buddy. I'm Mr. Roster, If you ever need help getting away from anything just come here I trust you won't take advantage of this and so don't take advantage of it or I'll take it."
I looked at him a bit confused but he seemed like he generally cares about the fact I'm uncomfortable around Simon, I doubt I'll really come to see him ever again after this but I guess I should once In a while just so he won't get the wrong idea "Yes sir." I smiled and he rolled back into his chair beginning to type something into his computer.
"That Boy you came in with, The stubborn one are you comfortable around him?"
"Hm? Oh uhm yes, sir, he's somewhat my protection from ya know..."
"I see." After that, he told me to just walk around for the rest of the day or just go home until tomorrow when my schedule would be changed, But instead, I went to see Mrs. Felton's room of course. Once I made it to the counseling office I saw Blue laying down on the ground on his back like he was getting prepared to lie down in a coffin "Ah Jackson, How did everything go?"
I kneeled lightly poking Blue in the face he didn't react and so I guess he fell asleep at 11 in the morning, Yes.
"It went well actually I think I'll be okay from now on." Mrs. Felton gave me a polite smile as she walked off back into the main "office" and once she was gone I was grabbed by my shirt collar and brought into an entire kiss falling into a hug by Blue of course.
"So I was right about you being awake this whole time, You'll need to practice that some more."
"Awe man, I thought I was doing good how could you tell I was faking anyways!?"
"Because Mrs. Felton didn't comment on the fact you were on the floor silly!" I laughed as Drew sat up pulling me onto his lap while he ticked me. I honestly forget about all of my problems whenever I'm spending time with Drew even if we aren't doing anything...It's so stupid but I guess I'd fit in the category of Stupid when it vines to love.

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