Chapter 18

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Tryouts were good, After towers, we did some Individual work on top of tryouts running smoothly for me at least I met a few people who actually seem pretty cool. The female coach, Mrs. Taylor told all of us to sit in a circle on the floor while she and Mr. Alan worked on the cheer team list, We aren't even sure how many people they want to keep but I really hope I made it if not I really only have next year to make it everyone else who I've met or haven't seemed to be nervous so well so I guess no matter how good you are you just never know if you're gonna make it or not. "Alright everyone, We had some amazing cheerleaders here today but unfortunately we only want a limit of sixteen cheerleaders this year so I will be calling out the people who made the team this year if you didn't please tryout next year because you all have amazing potential and I would love to see your faces again and maybe even some new moves. I'll turn this over to Coach Alan now and thank you all again," Saying that the coaches switched places and Alan began to read off the list "Jessie Scott, Ocean Maydam, Samanta and Sam Bucket, Payton Golds, Hannah Rolls, Alex Malls, Syi Colemen, Anna Taylor or Niva Taylor, Annabel Jones, Alex Smith, Maggie Lonns, Heather Blake..." I am getting really anxious, My heart feels like it's about to burst out my chest at any given second every person who is already called stood up and cheered to the people they knew, and the more that I think about it the more nervous I get there are only two more calls, Just hope Jackson. "Nilania Sols...And lastly our new cheer captain and also our first male cheerleader in the past three years Jackson Robinsion." I froze for a minute and that's when Niva hugged me and the rest of the girls I had become friends with helped me onto my feet clapping like I had won some type of major award, I'm really not used to much attention and so I scratched my neck awkwardly as I smiled "Whoa! I knew you could do it, Babe!!" I turned towards the bleachers to see Drew cheering for me by himself it was a little embarrassing but I found it cute at the same time, I made a heart with my hand holding it up towards him as he finished it was a dorky smile on his face, I love him so much. "Thank you to everyone who tried out today if you made the team please see Coach Taylor before leaving so you can receive your uniform!!!" After that Drew ran over to me at full speed lifting me off the ground as he hugged me.
"I did it!" I hugged him back
"I knew you could, You were amazing out there I'm so proud of you!" He smiled placing my feet back onto the ground, I'm really surprised about me getting cheer captain I didn't think I would be since I am a boy "Oh my god, Jackson congratulations on getting Captain I knew you would be able to your personality said it all" Sam commented lightly patting me on the shoulder I smiled and Drew walked back over to the bleachers just to get our belongings while I went to get my jersey with Sam. Our school colors are black, White and yellow so for girls they had a black skirt and a white shirt with yellow lines on the side and their yellow number planted in the middle, Mine was the same except I got to wear black pants, On my way out with Drew lots of people were giving out compliments about how great I did apparently or how we were a cute couple, The couple compliments made me extremely happy. But once we got into the car that's when I lost it "OH MY GODDDD!!! I ACTUALLY DID IT AND I GOT TEAM CAPTAIN THIS IS THE SECOND-BEST DAY OF MY LIFEEE!!!" I laughed curling into the front seat as Drew smiled ruffling my hair "I knew you were holding it back, You're so adorable. But seriously if you could've seen yourself out there you would've understood why you got the captain, I actually got some videos."
"Seriously? Can I see??"
"Of course, My password is 10/19/04." He handed me his phone as I logged into it going to his gallery and looking through the videos as he began to drive out of the school parking lot, He got a video of me being at the top of the tower and a few pictures of me either laughing, Smile or just standing there looking lost he also got a video of me doing individual work not to sound cocky or anything but I look amazing I don't think I'd ever be able to do anything like this if I stayed with Simon my life seems to have so many more events in it now that I've been with Drew, I went to his camera and took a quick photo of myself before putting his phone into the cup holder. Today was fun but in the end, I am i'm very exhausted "Oh Blue, Did you hear about Emily outting me in the cafeteria today?"
"Yea actually, I was in there when she did since I was skipping but your ex was also there and seemed so pissed off about it. Did he not want anyone to know you're gay?" He cocked an eyebrow and I leaned my head onto his shoulder "I'm not sure actually, When I was dating him he was so focused on his reputation so maybe if he tries to talk to me again people would assume he was gay or something but it doesn't bother me much anymore I just want to sleep."
"Make sure you do, You had a long day today."
He gave me a light kiss on the head before I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep, I know he'll wake me up once we were at my house so I don't have to worry about anything.

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