Chapter 23

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Today is the day, One of the most exciting days of the year. Drew's birthday. After what felt like forever I managed to get him the perfect gift in my opinion I don't know if he'll like it for sure but I hope he'll at least use it once or twice before leaving it somewhere in his messy, unorganized room. Me and My parents are getting ready to leave now but I just don't know what I should wear he didn't exactly give me a certain type of style I should be going for, If I dress too formally it'll turn out to be awkward but If I dress casually I might look out of place...I need to buy some new clothes.

"Jack, Are you ready yet we're just waiting on you Hun."

"Sorry...I just don't know-"

"Ah, ah, ah. You want to impress the boy I get that, When I was younger I'd wear the most revealing things to get your father's attention though that didn't help me at all he saw me outside and a truck drove by covering me in mud it was so embarrassing and on top of that I looked like a total slob, what I'm getting at is that is doesn't matter what you look like just be yourself. We all know who you are Jackson so don't overthink this just dress how you want to find that outfit that's just been calling for you like "Ah, Jackson pick me I'm sure your tall and sexy boyfriend will love it~" Or something along those lines you know?" ...Why is my mother so weird?

"That was very inspiring at first but you just ruined it completely after you said that." we both laughed and she walked inside my room beginning to look through my closet I know most people would say they're too old for their mom to still be picking out their clothes but honestly the outfits my mom picks out for me have to be the ones that look the best on me. I plopped down on the floor while she rummaged through all the clothes that had fallen off hangers while humming something that sounded familiar. "That song, I've heard it before...I can't remember where I've heard it though..." My mom turned to look at me, a light smile slowly forming on her lips before she held up a black shirt with some brand planted on the side of it, I just nodded in approval and she folded it lightly sitting it next to her "I'm surprised, I used to sing that to you when you were a baby-well an infant actually you were like 8 months." She laughed and I just lay on the floor staring at the ceiling, I can't believe that I could remember something like that just from when I was a little kid but no wonder It came to me so quickly, It was just floating around in the back of my head somewhere this entire time.

My dad walked inside the room with one of those fake mustaches that a little kid would pick up from dollar tree once they get their weekly allowance of five dollars , Why? I have no idea.

"What's with that look?" he asked taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

"What's with the mustache...?"

"It looks good, doesn't it? I thought I should grow one for this event in case his dad is all big and muscular with a grown beard, I don't want to look like a crappy father so I must look as manly as possible." My father, I love him but at the same time I really question what goes on inside his head, maybe my parents were both extremely weird when they were younger and I just had no idea. There's a question to ask whenever I want to stall for an hour, to listen to an unnecessary storytime. My mom ripped it off of him pretty ruthlessly too he even screamed "That hurts! Why'd you do that Jackie!?!"
"Sorry Hun but I personally think you look better without any hair Including you know where~"


We made it, Now that I'm wearing this outfit I feel so embarrassed, I'm wearing the shirt I described earlier with white shots that hardly pass my thighs which is why I have brown stockings underneath. The shorts were so big so my mom even made me wear a belt with a heart in the center of it, My dad gave me his black jacket that was too big for me and could fall off at any second if I don't zip it but If I do it looks like i'm just walking around pants less this whole outfit seems so feminine I feel like one of those #08 girls or something. The restaurant was called Vivo's I've never been here but it does look rather nice to be just a normal restaurant but Drew did just tell me it was a normal dinner maybe they're just new and want to make a good first impression. "Wow this place is so nice, I'm excited to meet his parents he's such a nice little guy don't you think so Jackson?"
"Well Yeah...are you sure about this outfit though what if it's too much and I stand out or what if someone throws a slur at me what am I supposed to say?!?'
"Oh my son, You're such a drama queen just like your mother..."
"Excuse me!" He pinched her cheek and she stepped outside the car, Bag in hand. I just sighed getting out as my dad did, he walked behind the car opening the truck to get the gifts we had back there which I don't want him touching mine because he might just break it and so I shoved him before he even got the chance to touch it. I'm such a great kid.
"Jeez Okay okay, I won't touch yours what'd you even get him I wasn't actually paying much attention to what you were throwing into that cart..."
"You'll just have to wait until he opens it also that is the most unreasonable thing I've ever heard you say as my parent...Mom looks pissed."
I turned away and right when I did I heard a smack, welcome to the Robinson Family. We walked into the restaurant after a bit of conflict and I was able to notice him right away he's the only one with hair like that seriously. "Oh there they are, C'mon Babe." My dad grabbed my mom's hand slowly walking towards the table I quietly snuck up behind Drew before hugging him, He jumped looking at me with a confused stare before noticing who I was.
"Oh, Babe! I thought you were a stranger." He hugged me with a cheeky smile, I missed his face only after a day I even looked at pictures but it was just not the same as when I'm actually with him. "Yeah No way, But hey do you like this outfit or does it look weird on me because I feel feminine like extremely feminine...My mom picked it out so I just don't know..." I backed away from him placing his gift down on the table before doing a little spin so he'd be able to see the whole thing, He didn't say anything he just stared at me which was helpful. "Hi! I'm Jackson's Mother, Jackie, And this is my husband Conner." My mother hugged Drews as our dads did the classic shack of hands and that nod to show some acceptance of one another. Drew's parents look way different than I imagined I would've thought they had some type of amazing hairstyle or something but they looks extremely normal, his mom had long, curly black hair with a casual pink sweater and some jeans while his dad had dark brown hair and dressed like he only had t-shirts and the same two pairs of jeans in his closet though I won't comment on either, They look like a happy couple though even more than my parents. "It's nice to finally meet you I'm Emilo
and my husband's name is Anthony or Ant, When Drew told me he had gotten a boyfriend I couldn't help but beg him to invite you all here I'm glad you can make it." Another guy was sitting across the table which I'm guessing is Drew's older brother and he mentioned his name was Jay I think, I'd hope so but he even said hi to me. It didn't even take long before we were all in a full-on conversation about random topics or more as I talked to Drew and Jay while our parents talked with the parents involving us in their conversation by telling embarrassing stories about us, That put up the defense wall pretty quickly. I can tell where Drew gets his personality from his mom, she is very sweet and caring, Definitely a social butterfly while his dad is more defensive or stuck-up, and from what I can tell, he has a lot of violent stories that my dad seems to be interested in—even a few war stories which are why Drew seems to have an interest in picking fights with other, especially with Simon of all people, he's very reckless but it's cute.

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