Chapter 6

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I blacked out yesterday and once I woke up noticed Simon had already gone home, It's a bit sad that I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. I don't want to go to school It's boring and not only is it that it's currently annoying thanks to a certain bitch, but It's also 5:57 am right so I basically have an hour in a half what should I do? Oh wait my Uncle I guess I'll just move my pillows and blankets downstairs, He can use the extra ones since I don't want him sleeping on my stuff I don't even like him much he makes me uncomfortable as hell and he's a weirdo always talking about "Us men" I feel as if it's people like him that make transgender male to females exist like that one book Sasha Masha or something like that I don't even remember what it was I read it like two years ago, Was good though that's all I know. I made my way down the steps and that's where I saw my parents doing their own things, My mother is off on Friday and so she's sitting on the couch folding the laundry while watching her favorite tv show while my dad packs his lunch for work. "Good morning Jack, Simon asks you to call him once you get the chance he also apologized for leaving without you knowing but apparently you had fallen asleep before he could tell him."
"Ah okay, Thanks Ma" I nodded sitting down on the couch and pulling out my phone to see if I did get a message from Simon, surprisingly I did, and it read "Sleep well my beloved, Call me once you wake up" followed by a picture of me asleep in my bed He always finds some type of way to embarrass me. I sighed before dialing his number and making my way back upstairs to sit on my bed by the time I got up there he had answered "Good morning,"
"Morning...How come you wanted me to call you? It's okay that you left without warning I don't mind—I understand actually"
"I know but still, I actually wanted to ask if you saw what I left on you last night?"
"What you left on me?" I questioned beginning to check my clothes to see if he had stuck something onto me by chance but while doing so I moved to my mirror and that's when I saw a small darkish mark somewhat near collar bone "What is that!? When did you-!—Why did you?!?"
"Heh, Well you are my boyfriend and you have been for like what 5 months now? I don't want us to hide our relationship as much...We should still keep it from my parents and all but I think at school I'm okay with talking with you Jack, Sorry I made it seem like we hardly knew each other at all but I want to come out soon and when I do we can start acting like an actual couple at school but for now people can just be able to know you're mine." I blushed
"Dummy, Dummy, Dummy, Dummy! Ugh...This is unfair I haven't left one on you ever, How do you even know how to do this type of stuff yesterday you-"
"I'm a guy you know"
"Well yeah but still..."
"Jack start getting ready!" My dad yelled, I guess he was about to leave for work considering he told me to get dressed I'm guessing he has something he wants to say to me, I sighed "...We can talk about it at school, Meet me in the library before 7:05?"
"Sounds good to me, I'll be there."
"Okay, I love you bye"
"Love you too Babe, Cya"
After hanging up I got dressed for school and grabbed my stuff before walking downstairs to see my dad crossing his arms in front of the door like I did something I wasn't supposed to and he was about to scold me for it "Yes Dad?" I asked, He turned to look at me and slowly form a smile "Ready to go?"
"Uhm sure?"
"Bye, boys have a good day!" My mom waved us out as we left the house and entered the car but on my whole way to school we just sat in silence, not even the radio was playing. I'm not sure what he wants to talk about but if he does I'd suggest he say it now because I'm about to run away "So...I'm sure your mother has told you about Ace coming to live with us for a while. I'm sorry."
"It's okay Papa."
"It's not...I know he makes you uncomfortable and I know it's hard for you to be yourself around him because he doesn't believe you can be gay it's just..if you get so uncomfortable with him we can kick him out before anything happens and you can even stay wi-"
"DAD!" I yelled, I hardly raise my voice at my parents but right now he was overeating a bit too much for my sanity for now "It is okay, I will be fine. If I get uncomfortable trust me Simon will know, Don't worry about me so much..." It went quiet for a second and I just sighed opening the door and getting out "I love you, buddy, Be safe." My dad said with a soft smirk, I smiled back at him before walking off quickly making my way to the library. Simon hadn't made it yet and so I just had a seat at one of the tables farther back "Oh Jack. Hey"
"There you are si- Emily??" I paused "Why are you here." She looked away from me not saying a word, Though she thought it'd be a good idea to sit across from me I seriously hate her. "Are you waiting for someone else?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You were about to call me something else wasn't you, So who are you-"
"What do you want." I really don't want to have any type of conversation with Emily ever, After all, she's the reason I felt pressured to smoke, WhySimon and I had to talk about a plan...Just a bunch of bs that could've been avoided if she just minded her business. She didn't speak she just put her head down without another word, Maybe I should tell Simon to meet me somewhere else "Jack? Who's this, A friend of yours?" I turned to my side to see Simon sitting himself down in the chair next to me, Emily shot her head up and looked at me a bit lost but I was just as confused as she was...Simon definitely saw her with me before he came over here so why? "Simon, Hello! Uhm My name's Emily Rilfers, I guess me and Jack are a bit close" There is no way in hell
I'd be close to someone like her.
"Emily Rilfers huh...I think Jackson's told me something about you before aren't you like super smart? That must be cool." Simon smiled secretly moving his hand around my waist underneath the table, As long as I don't react it shouldn't be fine but he was seriously becoming more reckless with me. "O-Oh well I'm not THAT smart but it's nice to know you think of me that way...Pretty sure everyone knows who you are since you know, But uhm do you mind if I ask a question?"
"Shoot?" Simon shot me a quick glare before tapping my side multiple times, I'm not exactly sure what he was me to do but I just stood up randomly out of panic. The room was completely silent and Emily was looking at me like I was crazy "I'm...I'm going to the restroom." I mumbled storming out of the library, Emily gets on my nerves. First, she acts like she's all into Chase but when she meets my boyfriend she's all shy and nice, Second, she's blackmailing me for something that she probably doesn't even want and three she still has the nerve to talk to me after all of this?!? What type of sicko goes around doing stuff like this and changes their mind when they feel like it! Okay...Jackson, it's okay. Just breath. I took a few deep breaths before entering the bathroom luckily it was empty right now and so I just sat on the floor talking out my phone to play I love hue too until Simon either comes looking for me or texts me to see him another time today. "Hey, are you doing alright?" A random voice appeared as I looked from my screen to see a guy with light blue messy hair and a few piercings on his face, He also dressed like he was in one of those emo phase types of movies. "I'm fine."
"Don't seem fine to me pretty boy."
"...Did you just call me pretty boy??" I questioned, the guy laughed joining me on the ground for some apparent reason I moved farther away for personal space reasons and he respected that "What's your name then?"
"Jackson. Jackson Robinsin"
"Well it's nice to meet you Jackson Robinsin, My name is Drew. Drew Gates."
"Wait aren't you that kid that punched the principal for giving you a detention for a stupid reason???"
"Ahaha, Yeah I guess that made me pretty recognizable huh?" I laughed
"Yeah it did, That day was such a bad day for me too but when I saw the video It made me feel a little better." I had a smile on my face just thinking about the event though in the video he looked so much different than he did before I guess he tried to change just so no one would recognize him...Understandable. But it feels kinda nice talking to him in person he's pretty nice he asked me what was wrong, and most people wouldn't care. "Sooo why are you hiding inside a bathroom exactly?"
"This girl is messing with my boyfriend after she told me she liked someone else and I'm just upset about it so I'm avoiding them until he wants to come to find me himself." I don't know what just came over me. Why did I just tell him that? "Sorry..." I mumbled, I looked at Drew but he just smiled softly placing his hand on top of my head "It's alright, I'm sorry that you're going through something like that...I remember I had a boyfriend who would constantly tell me he wanted an open relationship but when I said yes he'd keep claiming he only had a girlfriend. Then he had the nerve to ask ME to become fucking transgender because HE wanted to be straight."
That must have been the first time I'd heard someone else's love story...I guess I should say past love story in this case but that's so sad. What type of person would put someone else through that? "That's horrible, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for you Drew." He removed his hand standing back onto his feet before holding a hand out to me "What?" I asked, "Come with me I wanna show you something, It'll make you happy!"
"Should I trust someone I just met?"
"Hmm, probably not but trust me okay? Just trust me this one time Jackson." He smiled.

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