Chaptet 5

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Simon layed next to me wrapping his ankles with mine as he put his nose in my hair, Now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder what it would be like if we did become an official couple at school. Most couples hold hands and walk to class together or they'll kiss each other lovingly before partings ways, There are definitely same-gender couples around the school and most people don't care but the only problem with me is that I'm dating a guy who knows just about everyone at this school, Is a role model student and one of the most attractive guys in the entire school meanwhile I'm just an average guy who actually doesn't do shit at school or home, I'm kind of boring... "Hey, Simon...Are you getting bored of me?—Do you still love me?" I asked slowly backing away, He looked at me like his soul had just left his body "No! Well Yes! I'm sorry...I meant No I'm not bored of you and Yes I still love you but where's this coming from anyways?"
"I mean you're so much better than I am, You're likable, Funny, Kind hearted...Basically, everything anyone could want in a person but I don't even know what I am, I just don't get what you see in me sometimes." I sighed before 10 seconds could pass Simon had pinned me to the bed with his hands on either side of me, I looked up at him not knowing how to respond and he looked just about as lost as I am so maybe he was just sent into a fight or flight response...? "What's wrong..?" I asked "Are you okay..?" I sat up gently placing my right hand on his cheek and looking deep into his eyes, He looks upset but also sad; It's hard to describe but I can see in his eyes something was going on inside his head "Jackson why do you think that way about yourself, Can you not see how interesting you are.?" He said looking back into my eyes, I could feel my body freeze when he said that, I never actually thought about how others may see me I just thought they see me how I see myself which is a bit selfish. I turned away not giving him an answer "Jack look at me." He said sternly, Moving his hand farther up my leg though it's only human I turn away whenever I was confronted with something but I did look at him before he kissed me pulling me closer by my waist. I didn't fight back or push him away because I think this is a better way than saying I'm sorry or my excuses that make absolutely no sense, We continued to make out but the longer we did the sloppier Simon began to get which wasn't exactly like him at all. We pulled away letting the spit string that was connected from both our parted lips fall as we just stared at each other's eyes, I could feel myself getting excited but I'm scared...If he finds out he might think I'm disgusting or perverted, What do I do? He's right in between my legs "Jack are you thinking about what I think you're thinking.?"
"...No I'm not" I mumbled quietly "...Sorry. Please don't be mad at me, I can take care of it.."
There was another moment of silence before Simon pinned me down gently kissing my neck which kind of tickles but at the same time It's a little seductive "I'm not upset, Let me touch you...Please." Simon seems off today for some reason, I don't mean it as a bad thing but he seems rather touchy now that I'm thinking about this position we are in but he's usually so minor when it comes to touching me. He only touches me when we make out or something like that, Simon moved away from my neck quickly taking off my pants and boxers almost automatically but that's when I got embarrassed instantly covering myself with my shirt before he could see anything "W-Wait, Are you sure about this we've never done anything like this before and it's extremely embarrassing since you've never seen me without like clothes!"
"Jack if it makes you uncomfortable we can stop, I'm not trying to pressure you into anything." He said in a low tone, It's not that I'm uncomfortable it's the fact I've never done anything like this before "No...It's not that I just.." I removed my hand from my shirt slowly moving my hands onto Simons's face before gently kissing him, He kissed me intertwining our tounges together while he slowly began to jerk me off without warning. Simon refused to break the kiss and because of that, I was struggling to hold back my moans "Mh..~ W-Wait! I'm...Ha I'm close Simon...~" I moaned pulling my lips away from his, I could feel my body tense up and relax as I came on his hand by accident I was too busy catching my breath to notice though and Simon acted like it was fine by grabbing a tissue and cleaning off his hand. "I'm sorry...I should've moved farther back, I'll-"
"It's okay Jack, I don't mind" He kissed me "You really apologize for everything don't you? I can't lie you truly are more adorable than any girl I could ever meet."
"Thanks, Simon...But what about you do you need my help or anything?" I asked picking up my boxers and pants and slipping them back on before looking up at him but before he could answer someone knocked on the door shortly after entering afterward, It was my mom holding a biscuit of some sort in her mouth still in her work clothes and so I'm guessing she came right from the office "Hello Mrs. Robinsin,"
"Jackie" She corrected, Simon gave her a kind smile and corrected himself "Right Hello Jackie, Sorry I came here unannounced"
"It's alright, I don't really mind but was I interrupting something? If so I can just ask later" Simon gave me an unsure look but I'm not exactly sure myself considering he didn't give me an answer to my question, Luckily I got dressed before she walked in... "No we were just talking, What's up?" I asked as Simon leaned against the nightstand near my bed "Your Father's Brother is going to be staying with us for a while since he currently doesn't have a house but are you okay with him using your room or would you rather just make him sleep on the couch I just don't want to kick you out for someone else." It went quiet "...Uhm yeah he can sleep in here, I'll sleep on the couch" I mumbled pulling my knees up to my chest she just smiled blowing me a kiss before she exited the room "Your dad has a brother?"
"Yeah you've never met him before but his name is Ace, He's a pervert"
"Huh...Do you want to sleep at my house over the weekend then?"
"Maybe, I'll have to check with my parents first and you should probably make sure your parents are okay with me being over again since you know I look like "part of the gays".
"Pfft, You're just a pretty boy that's all but I'll ask and text you their answer how about that?"
"Sounds good to me but when are you even going home, It's 6:56 right now"
"Tomorrow's Friday let me ask if I can just stay over and go home tomorrow." He said taking his phone out of his pocket and making his way out of the room, I feel extremely dizzy and tired but at least my head doesn't hurt anymore.

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