Chapter 3

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The school day has finally ended, unfortunately, I had gotten caught skipping class after almost having a mental breakdown so now I have a warning for detention, actually known as if I get caught skipping again I will have weeks of detention thanks to my bad habit of being caught skipping multiple times before.

I'm just going to go home and sleep...Nevermind. Before a second thought, I turned onto another pathway that lead to the school's escape path located towards the back luckily it was as Isolated as usual, not a single person in sight.

Simon waits about 10 minutes before actually leaving the school and so I've got a little time.

"Sorry that took a while longer, someone ended up leaving their bag and so I had to go find the teacher to turn it in. Are you tired of standing?"
Simon asked ruffling his hair, I just smiled slowly beginning to walk as he followed "No it's okay, I wasn't waiting too long actua- *cough cough* sorry yeah no I wasn't waiting that long..."

It went quiet for a second and we continued to make our way to my house, I'm a little scared about this future conversation we were going to have but at the same time I think we'll be able to work through it all if we just think of a good plan that can benefit us instead of Emily, but Emily is such a nerd I doubt she has anything that will work as blackmail except for her cheating on a test in the 8th grade.

"Jackson." Simon stopped in his track by a convenience store lightly calling me over with his finger, I hesitated but I did obey following him into the store and then into the restroom.

"Hey...You called me-!" Before I was able to get my words out I had been pinned up against the wall aggressively, He's definitely upset since he called me by my full name for one, and with him being physically aggressive I guess he knows.

"You did it again, didn't you...Jackson we fucking talked about this you need to cut this bullshit."
"I-...I was stressed out!" I yelled at him though he didn't seem like he cared.

"Shut up, I don't care if you were stressed out you promised me you would stop smoking right after you were hospitalized. Give them to me." He backed away from me holding his hand out with a ticked look on his face, I can't help but be a little shaken up by that I thought the effect would've gone away after a few minutes I thought he wouldn't find out.

I kneeled on the ground looking at my pack of cigarettes before willingly handing them to him, he just snatched them out of my hand without a word throwing the right into the trash It's such a waste.

I knew it'd make him upset if he found out but I did it anyways and so I guess it truly is my fault...I understand why It makes him upset I mean I did almost kill myself once from it but it wasn't intentional.

"I'm sorry...I really am Simon please don't tell my parents I won't do it again I promise."

"You broke THIS promise, how am I supposed to trust that you won't break another one." I guess he's got a point, I'm an Idiot an actual idiot.

He sighed before helping me back onto my feet, I continued to give him a pleading look.

I'm considering if I should beg him to not tell my parents, if they find out I'm done for "I'll keep it to myself for now, If I find out you bought another pack I will not hide anything got it."
"...I love you?"

"I love you too now let's go before it gets too dark."

I like to think I got extremely lucky with Simon, He's a balanced guy he knows how to keep things to himself but he also knows how to say what he needs to if needed on top of that he's caring, Very caring...I love him so much I shouldn't make him upset that'd make me an extremely horrible boyfriend which I don't want.

My head is starting to hurt I should take a bath once I get home.

It took about 18 minutes for us to make it to my house, my dad's car was in the driveway which means my mom was still out at work I guess I will take a bath "I'm gonna wash up before we talk, you know where everything is." I opened the door walking inside, my dad was walking down the stairs with a handful of clothes once he noticed me though he walked down a bit faster almost tripping "Hey Jack, What's up Simon you staying over on a school night?" He asked dropping the clothes next to the door, I thought he was going to be a husband and wash them for Mom but I guess he'd never do such a thing. Simon locked the door as I gave my dad a thumbs up before walking upstairs, my day was shitty but if I say that he's gonna try and talk to me about it then I'm going to get pissed off and I'll have an attitude in the morning. I did exactly what I planned to do and got into a warm bath with one of my favorite candles on the sink counter...This always calms me down and helps me process my thoughts. On that subject, I have time to think about my day, Simon and I made out in the back of the school which caught Emily's attention but at the same time she didn't take a picture or anything so there is a possibility that she was just bluffing and I could've just outted myself to her.

That couldn't work because of how she described it to me though and so she did see us this morning one hundred percent she is blackmailing me because she wants to be closer to Chase who I haven't even talked to all day, So if I "try" and get Chase to spend time with her she may let me go and pretend she didn't see anything in the first place, talk to Chase and convince him to hang out with Emily...Yeah, that sounds a lot better.

Simon already dealt with the smoking situation and all I have to do for that is find another way to coop, If I smoke again Simon will tell my parents and he'll probably tell the school just to make sure I don't sneak any in with me my only problem now is explaining the Emily situation with Simon I'm just not sure if I should tell him about the Chase part or not.

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