Chapter 10

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I was the first to pull away, Drew had lowered his eyes but he started at me so awed...Like I was the most beautiful thing in the world. My heart was thumping so hard against my chest and everything inside my head was spinning, I feel like I should think I'm cheating on Simon but at the same time I don't think I am there are just so many things happening right now I back away slowly moving my hands off of Drew's chest "Sorry..." I whispered and he didn't say anything, I look down in shame and I really think this whole situation was messed up but when I looked up Drew was blushing. "No, it's okay I did kiss first, But uhm what about your boyfriend? I don't consider kissing cheating but I don't know about him.."
"He...I don't know either. But let's just keep it between us right now. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow and I want you to meet him but at the same time I don't know what I'm going to exactly do with him."
"What do you mean?" He looked up, and I sighed
"You see...Recently. I've been questioning our relationship a lot and I'm getting mixed signals from him it's just taking a really big impact on my mental health and I'm just not sure what to do right now. Enough of that can I take this bag off my head?!?" I pointed to the bag that's been around my head for about thirty minutes now and it was beginning to get annoying, But luckily it changed Drew's frown into a smile "Of course, I completely forgot about that my baddd" He said lightly hitting himself on the head I don't want him to be sad about anything so the best thing I can do is keep him distracted...At least for now.

"Oh, my god..."
"Oh, my gay..."
"YOU (I) LOOK AMAZING!" Drew and I turned to look at one another and then we began to laugh, I just wasn't expecting black hair to look so good on me I thought I'd look weird but now that I have it I honestly look hot but cute at the same time. I love it, I love it a lot and without thinking, I pulled Drew into a hug out of excitement and he hugged me back willingly I don't think I could ever imagine myself actually doing this type of thing but I actually did something different something new and exciting in my life It's been forever since I've done anything like this. "Thank you so much Drew I seriously can't thank you enough, For all of this."
He smiled "It's no problem, I don't mind helping when it's you at least but now that's done ready for step two?"
"Which is..? OH WAIT Yes, sorry I totally forgot about that but all I have to do is try out so do we really have to do anything more?" I questioned
"Well yeah you'd be right but now that I know your pass with cheer I want to see what you can do so why don't you show me something cool?" He smiled and so did I before taking the towel off from around my neck and rushing to the back door, it was a little cold outside but luckily I have enough room in my backyard to do something, By the time Drew made it back outside I had finished stretching and in the end, I just did three quick back-bends that ended with a backflip I can't ever deny that it felt good. "Wow..., Oh that was amazing Jackson! I really shouldn't underestimate you, I've been proven wrong twice now." We laughed and I caught my breath while rubbing my arms "Thank you, I hardly remember what that felt like." I smiled but Drew didn't say anything he just wrapped his jacket around my shoulders resting his arm around me while he looked up at the sky. The sun was setting and it was really pretty today luckily it's Friday so I don't have to worry about waking up later than I usually do, I leaned onto his shoulder and we both just sat down on the grass instead of standing I also decided to lay down while Drew continued to sit up and stare down at me.
"Hey, Drew how are you so open about your sexuality at school? Does it ever get embarrassing? Like do you ever think about what others might think of you?" He stared with such gentle eyes as he layed next to me "Not exactly, I like to think of it this way...if people don't accept any type of love that is any different from "normal" then they don't understand what it's like to me, therefore, they have no right to judge me for something they haven't experienced themselves, I think It's fine if people know about my sexuality as long as they don't say anything disrespectful we should be on okay terms. I can't stand homophones."
"That must be awesome. I always freak out when I talk about my sexuality since I'm so worried about exposing my boyfriend...Drew."
"Do—Should I break up with him?"
"Who? Your boyfriend or me?" He teased, I pushed him lightly and he laughed before sitting up again but I joined him this time "I say you give him a chance If you love him of course. But what I mean by that is tell him you're considering breaking up and give him a date to make it up to you and prove how much he actually loves you, Does that sound smart enough for you?"
"...Yeah Actually, That's a great idea actually."
"So let's do this. Tomorrow you go and have your date with this guy and tell me how it goes, If it goes well and you two stay together I'd love to meet him but if otherwise, I'd rather not just avoid the drama of course." I nodded and Drew stood up stretching his arms followed by a long yawn "Maybe you should head home now it is getting pretty late, Plus I'm sure your family misses you." I smiled standing back onto my feet removing his jacket away from my body. It was warm and it smelled like almonds mixed with a mildly strong colon I like it though, I'll ask him to tell me what he puts on himself another time I've got to prepare for tomorrow considering it may be the last day me and Simon are going to be dating.

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