Chapter 12

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Why are we at a movie theater, I have no idea. After Simon pulled away from our hug he just dragged me here telling me to wait in the lobby while he goes to the bathroom. I said I wouldn't act any different since I want to make this a bit more comfortable for him but I can't exactly promise myself that either since I'm not exactly sure how I feel about Simon right now, I wonder what I'm gonna do after this date if we do break up. "Sorry, Did I make you wait too long?"
"No you're good, What are we doing here though are we watching something?" I question, Simon nodded holding his hand out to me hesitantly taking it he dragged me into one of the cinemas or whatever it's called I don't have the mental capacity for this today. It's a movie called Jinx, I think it's in the horror section but at the same time, it seems comical and romantic maybe it's all three? Simon put my legs on his lap and so I was sitting sideways but I don't exactly mind, He's being more touchy with me now that I told him what I was thinking it's a little weird though I won't complain too much. "Jackson, Will you still kiss me... It's fine if not but I'd still like to know."
"I don't mind, I am still your boyfriend, right? Maybe I won't break up with you at all it just depends on what I am feeling at the end of this just pretend it never happened if that'll stop you from acting so weird." I was a little focused on the movie when I mentioned that, It was quiet again. Simon turned my head gently kissing me on the lips before grabbing me by the waist, I didn't hesitate to kiss him back I mean it doesn't feel wrong because I've done it multiple times but it still doesn't feel the same when I kissed Drew I wonder why that is... "Ah-"
"S-Simon..! This is embarrassing, We're in public.!" He smiled, I wasn't expecting him to drag me onto his lap entirely. Especially in a room filled with more than 20 people. We aren't very noticeable since we're near the back but the people who are behind us could see us if they look down "Ngh-!"
"Shush...You don't want to get caught do you?"
"Wh-Ha...What are you t-touching..."
"Obviously where my hands comfortable."
"At least stop moving it this looks wrong-!"
"Like this type of wrong?" I moaned, moving my hand over my mouth to keep quiet. The movie just had to be so quiet right now out of all times this sucks, I can't cry out or someone gonna hear me and Simon teasing it is not helping! I leaned my head down onto his shoulder crying out a little, I could feel him getting excited by it to my heart felt like it was going to stop at any given moment I don't want to get caught like this it was so embarrassing. "W-Wait, Simon wait if you continue I won't be able to!"
"Want to go somewhere more private?"
"But the movie...?"
"Can you wait another hour?"
"...Bathroom." I got off of Simon's lap and quickly made my way down the steps with him following by the time we made it to the bathroom a guy was leaving which was good enough for me considering I have to be quiet anyways.

"Simon...Why did you, You know."
"Hm? What'd I do?"
"Don't play dumb-!"
"Heh, I honestly have no idea what you're talking about all I did was play with you a little bit." He laughed, We ended up making it back before the movie had ended but for the rest of it I couldn't keep my mind focused, That was the first time I'd ever ... someone off in my entire life. How could this date become any more embarrassing than it already has been? "Hey Jackson, When did you dye your hair?" He grabbed my hand gently rubbing his thumb against it, I didn't bother to look at him but we continued to walk "Yesterday, I needed help with it though I definitely wouldn't be able to do it by myself now that I'm thinking about it again."
"I see, Well it looks good."
Now that I think about it it's only 10 o'clock, I've given him this whole day so I wonder if this was all he could think of I'm honestly not sure if I want to ditch him or stay with him maybe I should suggest something...but what. DING "AH!... I did not just scream."
"Pfft-" Simon turned away from me and I sighed before turning down my phone volume and opening the text I had gotten from Drew that had a picture of him in a cow onesie, it was so cute I laughed at it and I even saved it he did leave a message under it that read We should have a sleepover and wear matching onesie I replied with a heart followed by a definitely now that I think about it there's still a lot I probably don't know about Drew though I kissed him pretty much with no hesitation...God, I'm a mess. "SIMONNNNNN!!!!!"
"Ah, Is that Jackie...?"
"Who?" I looked up to see Jackie Reese. Actually known as the most prettiest and basic blonde bitch in our entire school, She ran straight towards Simon and he looked as if he was on the verge of a panic attack "H-Hey uhm Jack! What are you doing out here."
"Well after you told me you were hanging out with your friend I decided to go out with mine but I guess fate wants us together! Who's this by the way???" She pointed at me and Simon backed away from her turning toward me "This is Jackson, But I call him Jack for short just like you. Sorry if that's a little weird."
"Oh, I've heard about you actually aren't you friends with that gay girl?"
"Who? Natalie?" I asked and she nodded, That pissed me off a little more than it should've.
"Oh yeah, but how exactly do you know Simon Jackie?"
"What are you talking about he's my-"
"Okay enough! I'm sure your friends and waiting for you don't keep them waiting you can talk to Jackson later just-" Simon began to push her away so Skirlie this may be the first time I've seen him push anyone away, though Jackie did push back eventually succeeding "What is wrong with you today??? Sorry, Jackson, I don't know what's up with him today but I'm Jackie Reese but you may know me as Simon's Girlfriend."

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