Chapter 16

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"Did I tell you about what my parents asked or did I forget? They asked if you and your family wanted to have dinner for my birthday."
"...How did you forget to tell me that!?! You didn't even tell me your birthday you jerk." I pulled his ear as he began to whine trying to pull away "Owww, I'm sorry okayyyy, My birthday is Saturday so the 19 but hey you never told me yours either-!"
"January 25th, So you're turning 17?"
"No 18, I got held back once in like the 3rd grade..." I look at him for a second and then I just laughed, That may have been the first time I've heard someone getting held back in the third grade of all grades I couldn't hold it back even if I tried. But turning 18 is a big deal so I'm definitely going to make it to his dinner, But what should I get him for a present? "You're so mean to me sometimes you know that?" He smiled slipping his hand into mine as I clung onto his arm "I know and I'm Sorry, I like you, Blue."
"I like you too Pretty boy but I will be expecting to see you there won't I?"
"Of course, but in all seriousness what should I get you as a gift? I only know so little about you."
"You don't have to get me anything but your presence so there's your answer."
"What-! Oh c'mon at least tell me somethi-"
"Ah ah ah, There's your class~ I have to be in G206" Drew smiled shushing me with his finger before I was able to finish my sentence and I just looked at him like he was an even bigger weirdo but eventually he moved it and held his bag to the side of us before giving me a light kiss on the lips. "W-What was that for..?"
"I won't see you for the rest of the day c'mon please~?"
"...Tell me something I can get you?"
"...You play so dirty, Fine. I guess I do like music and I like shooting games, Does that help?"
"Yea, It does." I smiled giving him another light kiss before walking off to my own class. I think it's cute that he wanted a goodbye kiss before we parted ways...I'm in a real relationship now, I feel like an 8th grader who just found out what love truly is it's a little embarrassing. But after school there are Cheerleading tryouts so I'm excited about that, It feels like my life has changed so much just after the past few days and I don't even deny the fact that I'm enjoying it more than anything else I've personally experienced I'm dating an amazing guy, I can say what's on my mind, I'm even getting back into cheer after all these years that's really the one thing that is surprising me more than anything else...I used to be so embarrassed about it but just the thought of me being on a team again is making me so happy.
I sat down in my seat and waited for class to start by staring out of the window though it didn't take long for everyone else to make it into class "Good evening class wait is it the evening or the afternoon? You know what never mind just I hope you're all doing well first in foremost let me introduce Felix, Everyone this is Felix, and Felix this will be your new classmate. I'm going to have you sit next to Jackson, Jackson stands up." I stood up and the teacher whispered something to the Felix kid before he came and sat down next to me. Once he did I also sat and the teacher began his lecture basically just something about Socialism or something like that I was a little distracted by this new guy just staring at me...what is with me getting stared at today I really doubt it just because of my hair there must definitely be something on my face "Hey your name was Jackson right..?"
"Uhm, Yeah nice to meet you."
"Mmh, I just wanted to say you look really good..." and now I'm getting compliments this has to be the weirdest day of my life, In many more ways than one. I brushed some of my hair behind my ear before becoming a little flustered "Oh my god thank you~" That sounded really gay but I just smiled, He seems like he was a freshman but I could be wrong. Dirty blond hair and natural brown eyes and a bit too much effort in his outfit, actually nevermind it adds up he is definitely a Freshman.


One more class, I should be able to do this. I'm getting so tired though maybe I should've taken a nap during my lunch with Drew or I could just fall asleep during this class. "JACKSONNN! I- oh my god I...finally...caught up to you..." Natalie began to catch her breath while I patted her on the back just to make sure she was okay but then she shot up out of nowhere hitting me in the nose with her head which hurt. "Agh-!"
"Ohhh my god, I am so so sorry! Are you okay?!"
"Y-Yea I'm fine but what's going on..?"
"RIGHT. Emily just said you were dating this guy named Drew is that true!?!?."

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