Chapter 8

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Considering the fact I just skipped an entire day of school just so I could cry there is a very high chance I'm going to have to comfort Simon about it, I kind of feel bad for overreacting. Just because I'm more open to Simon doesn't exactly mean he has to do the same for me even though it probably would be a little fairer I just shouldn't have gotten so upset I'm just not acting like myself but why...Before it was so easy, Me and Simon would avoid each other at school and spend time together outside of school it was that simple. Why do I suddenly care about what he tells me, When was even the last time I cried this bad? My eyes are puffy and they sting a little I can't even lie this feeling is a little familiar to the one I had when Simon set the ground rules in our relationship. I was sitting on my bed just staring at the wall for the past hours, I'm not sure what could help me anymore it's not like I can just have a random awaking into an emo phase or something. Though it would be nice if I could change something about myself...There's just nothing I'm truly good at, And I look pretty average too. Maybe I can look for things online I thought to myself while grabbing my phone. The suggestions were all pretty reasonable but in the end, I made a list of three which was
1.) Change or Dye hair color
2.) Pick up a new skill
3.) Make a new friend
They were the only three that I feel comfortable doing, Changing my hair is easy considering the fact I'm a Junior and my parents don't care that much about how I look and if it looks good to me it should be fine. I've always wanted to join a club not to sound weird but I've always been a little interested in cheerleading...That might make me sound a little gay but ever since I was a kid I'd always sit in the living room mimicking cheering moods, My parents thought it was cute at first and when I came out they actually thought about signing me up for a cheerleading camp but I declined since you know closeted at school and all, But I think I might do it. It starts next week so I might as well try out and make a new friend, that's only there because I want to get to know some more people. I looked over the list one last time and while I did I got a notification saying I had gotten an email from
It was Drew. It had to be, even if I don't know his middle name his first and last names are the same...Drew, now that I think about him maybe he could be my new friend, for a start.

Drew Gates
•Heyy pretty boy!

Hello Drew, I figured it was you

•Seriously well damn okay lemme get to the point, Can I get your number I completely forgot to ask for it beforeee

Oh yeah sure, 314-***-****

•Alright give meee three seconds!!

Come to think of it Drew seems like he has a lot of personality, He obviously knows stuff about art and he seems to be a little funny. Maybe I should ask him for advice? It didn't take long before I had gotten a message from an unknown number which was a picture on my contact information that was labeled Jackson (Pretty) even after I told this guy my name he continues to call me pretty...It's like it's a weird nickname that I was randomly given.

Drew (Blue haired guy)

Actually, Can I ask you something?

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Actually, Can I ask you something?

I may not have an answer but shoot

I want to dye my hair and I also want to try out for cheerleading do you think you could help me out a little bit? Just having an identity crisis.


Sorry I'm a weirdo, Yes I'll help you out! When do you wanna do all of this?

I'm free right now so I can get the hair dye and stuff if you want me to and you could come here

The better idea, why don't I come to pick you up and help you find a color since you definitely don't know what you want afterward we'll go back to your house to discuss how you are gonna be the best and first male cheerleader at our school.

Wait seriously?  How did you know I don't know what color I want actually?

Because I'm not going to lie to you Jackson you look like an innocent gay with no experience with a mental health crisis

Okay...Let's just go with your idea then.

Are you upset because I called you out?

Totally not.

That's adorable-

Shut up
My address is *****Dr. 145

Yeah~ See you in a bit!

Talking to him is kind of different from how I usually talk to people well through messages, I should probably get ready considering I have no idea how far away he lives from me. What should I wear though? Just something normal like something I'd wear to school...Why are you thinking so hard about it? I'm starting to think I'm hitting puberty again and it is not fun. I didn't change either I was wearing basic shorts with a normal white t-shirt anyways, though it looked like I was going to physical education I'm just wearing this at home. If it makes it any better I am wearing a jacket. "Jack, Someone's here for you!" My mother yelled, I grabbed my phone shoving it into my back pocket before heading downstairs to no surprise I saw Drew. "Hey..." I said awkwardly
"Hey, You ready to head out now?"
"Uhm sorry to interrupt but who is this...?" My mom questioned, Lightly placing her hand on my shoulder "Oh...Sorry, this is Drew a new friend of mine." Drew smiled and my mom looked a little shocked by the fact I called him a friend, I mean I don't have many buts still that kind of hurt my social self of stem "Ah, I'm sorry I'm Jackie Robinsin, Jackson's mother."
"Oh wow, you have like the feminine name of Jackson that's neat well hello I'm Drew Gates."
Not going to lie this is a bit weird, Since I met Drew today and he's already picking me up from my house and meeting my mother. Drew and My mother did talk for a while and so Drew gave me the keys and is letting me sit in his car until they're done, It smells like cherries. Now that I think about it Drew did tell me about his ex-boyfriend but I never asked about his sexuality I mean I can't exactly just assume he's gay or bi just because he dated a guy there are so many different sexualities out there anyways "Sorry, But I had no idea your Mom liked Loaded weapon 1 she told me that's where she actually got your name from and I just so happened to love Jackson in that movie and so we started talking about it!"
"What even is that..."
"...You're joking right??" He asked but I just shook my head in response being honest I never even asked about my name, not once.
"Oh my god, Jackson. We're going to watch it together one day, It is so good! And it's funny how have you never heard of it?!?"
"I don't know, I usually don't watch many movies?"
"We're complete opposites when it comes to movies, I LOVE movies!" Drew started the car and on the whole way to the store we just talked about movies, Like what movies I've seen, and ones he wants me to watch, etc. even though I met Drew today I feel as if we've known each other for awhile just based on the way we talk, I don't think I've ever been this comfortable talking to anyone this quickly.

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