Chapter 24

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"I'm so glad you guys made it really, I think it's time Andrew opens his gifts now right Hunny?"
"Mom-! Don't say my full name it's weird-!"
"You're the weird one for not liking it." I laughed I honestly just thought his name was Drew I mean everyone calls him that even his school email just says Drew, Was he that desperate just to put Drew instead of Andrew? Well, whatever it is still a cute name for him. "Awe this may be one of the rare days where I see you actually get embarrassed about something you haven't told me, Why didn't you tell me your full name was actually Andrew and not just Drew you jerk!" I pinched his cheeks and he groaned while the others laughed, I let go eventually and he apologized telling me he's been called Drew by everyone for most of his life which is weird considering everyone usually just calls me Jackson, I hardly let anyone call me Jack guess it's just the opposite for me I guess "Alright Alright here you go this one's from me." Jay moved on passing Drew a colorful bag before standing up and looking inside it "Oh my God, What is that-?"
"Put your hand in it, moron."
"What if it bits me?"
"Haha very funny." Jay rolled his eyes while Drew smiled placing his hand inside the bag and pulling out a My chemical romance shirt with some type of video game I honestly don't know I don't play any games really I mean I had a Ds when I was younger but I can't do much on it now that I'm older "Oh awesome is K.O. I'm also going to wear this shirt tomorrow, Thanks, Man." The brothers smiled fists bumping eachother while my Dad stood up passing him the gift from him and my mom "We weren't really sure what to get you so bare with us but Jackson bought a separate one because he found ours embarrassing." I looked away a little embarrassed as Drew laughed taking one of my hands into his and looking inside the bag but once he did he busted out laughing which I did too when I first saw it I have never met anyone who would give an 18-year-old THAT for a birthday gift. He laughed so hard he fell onto the ground laying his head on my lap, I took the thing out of the bag and Jay also went down with his mom.
"I-I-Ha! Did you guys seriously buy me a toaster, That's amazing! I thought it was something embarrassing since Pretty Boy didn't want to be involved with it." I laughed running my fingers through his hair it did take a while to get over the toaster but afterward His parents and I decided to give him both of ours at the same time since it was getting late, I'm a little nervous to see if he'll actually like my gift or not now that I'm thinking about it it's sort of embarrassing "Oh my god, Finally I got money from you guys-" Drew looked at his parents and they smiled "Usually we would have you earn it but your mom wanted to be nice since you're basically an adult now." His Father said crossing his arms, He definitely likes keeping up a strict wall around his emotions but I guess Drew's used to that since he just hit him with a yeah yeah and moved on to my gift.
"I'm really excited for this one~ Someone wouldn't stop begging me for things I like because of this so I want to know what you came up with Pretty Boy~" He teased me and I want to punch him in the arm, I won't though because that's extremely mean and I don't want to hurt him in any way. "Just open it...It's embarrassing so I'm regretting it now so don't laugh at me..." He looked at me a bit interested before he pulled out a rectangular photo with a picture of me in it, It's a picture I snuck of us together when we were in class and he was sleeping It's one of my favorites because of that but I looked really happy in it so I thought I'd give it to him with some new headphones and a list of songs I thought he might like, I know it's bad.
"Oh wow, new headphones what's the other two?" Mrs. Gates asked leaning over with my Mother following behind her, Drew smiled before facing me and pulling me into a light hug, "I love it, I actually want to cry so just hold me for a second." He whispered into my ear laying his head down on my shoulder, I hugged him backhanding the photo and the list to my mom so they'd be able to see it they were awed at it I honestly thought he'd think it was a stupid gift but I'm glad he likes it, I hope he uses the headphones too I think they'll look good on him if anything. Drew eventually moved away from my shoulder, He definitely did cry too I didn't think he'd like it that much but I kissed him. "Awe~ Look at my Little brother, I never would've thought." Jay teased leaning back with his legs one over the other Drew flicked him off and we all laughed at that afterward we packed everything up and got ready to leave. "Oh wait, Tomorrow's Sunday are you doing anything?" I looked up at him, I'm pretty sure, " I don't have anything to do, I was just planning to ask you out to be honest."
"Can I sleep over at your house?"
"Possibly, Mom can Drew stay over tonight?" My mom looked at me before turning towards Mrs. Gates "Is that okay with you?" She asked
"Absolutely!" And just like that it was settled, Drew ended up putting his gifts inside his parent's car before saying goodbye mainly to his brother but before we got in the car he grabbed his new shirt and the box I had put his gifts in, Once we were in the car I sat next to him laying my head on his shoulder, He handed me an air pod and as I took it he rested one of his hand on my hip while going onto his music app he pulled me closer to him so I put my hand on his chest, I can feel his heart beating. I'm not used to this much attention and I mean that mainly physically but the others too I love how Drew doesn't care about hiding anything, after he turned on a random song he moved his phone into the middle of us so we could both see him open I love hue too which is basically a pattern game with colors that are rearranged and you put them back in the correct order I don't have it but Natalie would make me help her from time to time. We played that all the way to my house which was only about a 25-minute drive but it seriously feels like 5 minutes whenever you're in a car and listening to good music, Drew's music honestly is nice it's not too loud or low and the lyrics remind me of him in almost every song.

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