Chapter 2

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1 hour and 24 minutes, That's how long I have until I have to walk back home with Simon. I'm not understanding why Emily is doing this just to have a chance with Chase, if she really wanted him she would know he'd prefer if a girl would just go up to him and start a conversation, not a girl that blackmail's another guy to try and get them closer.

Maybe I should've just come out in middle school this would've been so much easier, I see many gay couples around the campus but a lot of Sophomores and upperclassmen know me as a normal straight guy, even a few Freshman try and talk to me every year.

I'm not sure if it's the way I look or talk but a few Freshman have questioned my sexual preferences, I guess the younger you are the more you can read a person? "Hey, Jackson! Sorry I didn't answer your call I was filling out an application for the student council and I forgot to get back to you."

I look behind me to see Natalie walking in my direction, I stopped so she could catch up to me and once she did we began to walk again.

"Hey, It's alright I was just waiting by my classroom door because Simon took me there to early."

"Oh right, How are things going between you two, I heard Simon's been getting hit on by Jackie Reese has he told you about that" She looked down, Letting out a deep sigh.

"Yeah I heard about it, But between us, everything's going fine I mean we still talk a lot outside of school and we still go on dates and stuff, he told me he's trying to befriend Jackie to understand what she wants from him though it's already obvious what she wants." I let out a low groan as Natalie places her hand onto my shoulder sympathetically rubbing it.

Natalie Dunzyard, Number one when it comes to School participation and also my best friend since last year she knows about me and Simon because she was there whenever I started catching feelings for him, a very embarrassing time for all three of us but still, she was there.

She's an ally of the LGBTQ community and I know that because last year she would walk around telling people to join the GSA club also knows as the Gay Stright Alliance club but I think that's what helps us get along so well.

"Well are you two doing anything tonight?"
"He's coming over to my house so we can talk about something, Why?" I questioned her and she groaned proceeding to say, "Ugh, I'm waiting for you guys to try a little more freaky stuff you know??? Like in those Yaoi comics!"
"Natalie!" I yelled, She just laughed it off knocking herself on the head as an apology but that's another thing about Natalie that's a little "different" She loves Yaoi, I'm not exactly sure what the term means but from what she's shown me I'm pretty sure it's gay couples doing sexual activities together which Simon and I don't exactly do. Or at least we haven't tried anything like that, I won't say yet.

Overall Natalie and I ended up parting ways and I'm going to make my way back to the library because I don't want to go to Pe.

For some reason, the library seems so far away whenever I walk by myself... "Mph!"

"Shush, I don't want us getting caught." I looked up to see Simon surprisingly, I thought some random person just tried to kidnap me.

I took a sigh of relief as Simon removed his hand away from my mouth, "First do not sneak up on me please and Second what are you doing here shouldn't you be in class right now?"

"Shouldn't you." He cocked an eyebrow and I just clicked my tongue in response since he does have a point there.

"Whatever, Did you need something?" I asked.

"I missed you and so happened to see you walking with Natalie so I came to see you." He smiled moving strands of my hair behind my ear, slowly slipping his hand underneath my chin.

I could feel my heart beating faster than before and I wasn't able to keep my attention on his eyes for long.

He pulled me closer to him gently placing his lips against mine so I'm guessing we both had the same Idea in our heads, thinking back to what Natalie said I don't think I can imagine us going as far as sexually touching one another I just don't see it in the cards for us right now at least.

I continued to kiss Simon moving my arms around his neck while he pulled me in closer by the waist—then again we are in public, this isn't really a good idea.

"You know someone could see us right? Maybe we should stop..."

"Just stay out of site and we won't have to worry about that right now, Just focus on me." I bite my lip before lightly nodding and Simon pulled me into a more passionate kiss. I don't understand how he doesn't want us to get caught as a couple yet he does stuff like this all the time—like this morning he convinced me to make out with him in the back of the school that's how I was blackmailed in the first place, but I just can't bring myself to blame him since neither of us were expecting that to happen.

It didn't take long before Simon and I started making out, he had pinned me up against the wall as if he didn't want me to run away, luckily classes are going on so not many people were out walking around unless they were skipping like us, whenever someone was close we'd stop and it gave me a few seconds to catch my breath again.

Simon held my hands before breaking the kiss and giving me a warm-hearted smile as I just blushed slightly rubbing my thumb against his hand.

"You should probably go back to class now I don't want you getting in trouble because of me"
"You're probably right, Remember to wait for me" Simon let me go looking around the corner to make sure no one was around before leaving.

I slid down the wall with a ragged sigh once he was out of my sight.

I hate the fact that we have to pretend like we basically don't even know each other at school but at the same time I don't want people to judge either of us, Mainly Simon but still.

His parents are homophones, which only makes it worst when it comes to hanging out with each other outside of school.

The only place we can really be together is at my house, since my parents know or if we're just secretly out on a date behind Simon's parents back, but because of fucking Emily there's a very high chance of my relationship getting outted or I might just not be in a relationship at all.

I hate this so much, I just want to go home and go to sleep... I hope this is all just a dream...

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