Chapter 15

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Did I forget there was school today, yes, Yes I did. I'm so tired, I stayed up late explaining everything to my Parents about Drew They understood it perfectly but when I talked about why I broke up with Simon I couldn't help but cry about it, Though I feel like a total cry baby today it was worth it since not only did my parents accept the fact me and Drew were dating but Drew's parents did as well which made me even happier I don't have any classes with Drew but we do have the same lunch period so after this class I can go see him, I seriously need to take a nap before I start acting a little bitchy towards everyone thought there is one problem and his name starts with an S. He won't stop fucking staring at me, I've been feeling his eyes glued to me for the past 30 minutes! Somebody help me!
"Oh alright for The remaining 30 minutes of class, you guys will be doing a partner assignment based on the documentary we just watched I need you guys to make up five questions and answer them in complete sentences. No, you're not picking your partners so give me 10 seconds." THANK GOD. NOW JUST DON'T GIVE ME SIMON. "Alright, Quinn and Hailey, Kami and Josh, Simon, and Jackson R., Aidan and Jackson M...." Okay whatever, I never liked the universe anyways. After everyone was assigned we all had to move closer to our "partners" which I really didn't want to but I kind of don't have a choice, I got a piece of scratch paper and a pen then sat across from Simon without even looking at him. If he's just going to stare at me for the next thirty minutes I might as well just do this entire thing by myself "Hey.."
"If it's not related to this please don't try and talk to me, I really don't want to be near you at all." I glanced at him for a quick second and he hesitated before shutting up, probably because I've never been serious with him—angry with him over those past 5 months we were together I was always sweet and open Jackson that's really all I was to him "I'm sorry Jackson...Please just hear me out this once I can explain everything."
"Simon, Please."
"I know but-"
"Please Shut up!" It went quiet.
"Jackson I understand you may not be comfortable with your partner but be nice." I sighed before sitting back into my seat and the room began to become talkative again, My head is staring to hurt and Simon's face is staring to get really annoying now that I'm actually looking at it he looked like he didn't get enough sleep either well not for the same reason of me of course but maybe just because he's guilty which he should be, I don't care much about his feelings anymore.
"Sorry...I'll do this, it's the least I can really do for you. I understand that you need space and I'll wait until you're ready to talk..." I'd rather not talk to you at all but whatever helps you sleep at night, the rest of that class was a mess...Simon kept screwing up and I had to keep correcting him over and over and he kept apologizing plus my headache had only gotten worst the longer I was sitting there listening to all the talking and noise around us and so when the bell had I was the first to leave as Simon unfortunately just had to follow me "Jackson-"
"Oh my god Blue!" I ran over to Drew giving him a quick hug, He was a little confused but hugged me back ruffling my hair a bit "I have never been so excited to see you in my entire life..."
"Really? Who's that guy?" He questioned
"That's my ex, He keeps trying to talk to me..." I whispered and it was quiet for a moment before Drew had thrown me behind him without much of a warning and then the two just glared at eachother.
"Hello there Blue...?, I thought you were suspended still so what brings you back so early.?"
"Well that's none of your concern now is it Mr. Steal your girl, Though I'd love to chat with you me and my lovely boyfriend have somewhere to be right now...Right, pretty boy~?" He looked back at me with a sly smirk and Simon glared at me waiting for an answer this entire situation is so uncomfortable I could just die "Right...Can we just go now?" I tugged on his arm and he turned to look at Simon one last time before we left the building making our way outside once we did I took a deep breath, That was the first time I'd heard anyone call me their boyfriend...Simon never could do it but to hear My boyfriend coming from someone else's mouth feels amazing.
"You know I never would've taken you as the protective type~"
"D-Don't tease me about it?! He cheated on you and still tried to talk to you it just ugh..."
"You're cute." I laughed and Drew covered his face with his palm we got our lunch and walked around the campus until we found a tree to sit under together and then we just ate and talked, My head doesn't hurt as much which is good and I don't have anything to hide at home minus the fact that I still have to sleep on the couch thanks to my uncle stealing my room, he's hardly even home now that I think about it I wonder where he's been this whole time anyways "Pretty boy~ Picture." I looked up to see Drew holding up his phone as the timer counted down from three I wrapped my arms around him as we made a heart together with our fingers, It was a cute picture and it may just be the best picture I have ever seen with me in it. "Awe you're so beautiful, Stop it I have a life to live if you don't mind."
"...Shut up!" I smiled even bigger before lightly shoving him, he grabbed my arm pulling himself closer to me before laying his head on my lap and just wrapping his arms around my waist like how a sloth clings to a log. It's kind of fun being able to do this type of stuff at school, I even get to take photos with him here I love how free our relationship is...And even though I'm still going through my break up he's doing everything he can just to make sure I'm okay.

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