Chapter 25

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Heads up This chapter is going to be a longer one than usual since it's the end and it will also be split into small sections in case you'd only like to read certain parts, Thank you for reading.

"Good morning boys, How did you sleep?" My mom was in the living room with her duster and an apron that read Kiss the Housewife I don't think she classifies as a housewife but I'm not going to comment on it.

"I slept great, Jackson's the first thing I saw when I woke up which was comforting." I blushed turning his face away as he tried to steal a kiss from me, I smiled as he was awed in disappointment I would've fallen for it if I was half asleep but I slept perfectly so I'm not tired at all "You always catch me off my guard with that, I'm catching onto you~" I let go of his chin making my way to the couch as he followed "Seriously~? I guess I'll have to think of another way to catch you off your guard then huh? Well If I ask nicely will you give one to me?" I shrugged as he grabbed me by the waist putting his forehead up against mine, I hate how me makes me smile so easily.

"You guys are the cutest, Jackson why don't you go wake up your dad so he can make breakfast for us since I'm cleaning right now." I nodded and my mom made her way into the laundry room before I kissed Drew, kissing him around my parents is just embarrassing to be honest because knowing them they'd definitely comment on it and or they'd take an embarrassing photo and use it against me to make me do something I don't want to what I mean by that is that they'll post it on their Facebook and there is no way they'd delete it before our entire family has seen it my phone would just be blowing up all day.
"Alright, You got your kiss are you happy?"
"...One more?" I laughed pushing him away slightly as he began to kiss my neck which ticked.
"C-C'mon Blue I have to wake up my dad! Heh!"
"But you're so cute whenever you're like this~" He continued to kiss my neck until I just gave in and kissed him I know he wouldn't stop if I didn't but it's fun when he does stuff like this, He kissed me using his tongue not to sound weird or anything but Drew's breath smells like mango's so whenever he kisses me it always makes my breath smells like mango's too just mixed with Mint, That does sound weird but whatever. We broke the kiss as I wiped the drool that was halfway down my chin. I seriously still have no idea what we are going to do today I don't want to go outside it's like 89 degrees today and we have air in the house "Babe! Oh, Mornin' you two how'd you sleep?"
"Oh hey Dad I was supposed to wake you up my bad, We slept well." I bopped Drew on the nose and he backed up giving me a chance to flip over the couch leaving me sitting upside down "What? Did you call me Hun?" My mom walked outside the laundry room following my dad into the kitchen while Drew sat now next to me "Oh my god, have you ever watched the Sherk musical?"
"Shrek has a musical?" I questioned.
"Doesn't everything?" He responded grabbing the remote off the table and honestly touché.
He ended up finding it on YouTube and so I rearranged myself so I could lay on his lap "Who do you think the best character is Drew? I'd go with the gingerbread guy."
"Tf- Donkey obviously, Why the gingerbread guy??? He's just worried about dying 24/7"
"So? I like his personality, Donkey is funny but sometimes he's just eh, Okay, I don't know." Step 1.1 How to offend a Drew says Donkey is "Okay".
"Oh, my heart. Are you trying to give me a heart attack??? How could you just say he's okay!?!" He flicked me in the forehead and I groaned "Ehm, I don't know that's just how I see him let me flick you back that hurt-!" I sat up as Drew tried to avoid me at all costs and so I grabbed his face while straddling him but he kissed me, Again off my guard. He stood up throwing me over his shoulder like I was some little kid, And did I look like a kid having a temper tantrum? Yes. "Ah-! No fair, Put me down-!"
"What do you mean no!?! It wasn't a request-!" I squirmed around trying to escape his grasp but he wasn't budging at all "I swear to god I'm about to kick you in the balls."
"You would dar- Actually never mind you would."
"Hey, you Guys-"
"AGH-!" I screamed, Drew just slammed me down into the couch and as luck has it my dad just so happened to walk into the living room at the wrong time, I sincerely apologize Father...

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