Chapter 11

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I woke up to an extremely loud band that was coming from upstairs and it scared the hell out of me. I got off the couch and slowly made my way up the stairs but while doing so I heard another loud bang and some screaming "ACE! DO NOT TOUCH HER DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME."
"I don't want to hear it, If I hear from her again saying you made her uncomfortable I am going to have to kick you out do you understand."
"Tch. Yeah, whatever." My so-called Uncle had walked out of my parent's room going into mine as he slammed the door behind him, I made my way into their room and that's why I saw my parents conforming to one another I already knew he was going to end up being troubled but I really don't want my parents to get stressed out because of this. I knocked on the door before entering the room and sitting in front of my parents on the floor "Hey Buddy...Sorry did we wake you up, We didn't mean to I promise."
"It's okay..." My Mother smiled before patting me on the head and my Dad did the same I am completely lost but I guess it'll all be okay in the end.
"Your hair looks really good by the way Hunny, Did your new friend help you with that?" My mom asked and my dad gave me an interesting look I know he hasn't exactly met Drew considering I just met him yesterday but I really do like Drew, Maybe a little more than I should but I won't tell my parents that "Yeah he did, His names Drew by the way Dad." My dad smiled, An alarm had rung saying it was time for my mom to go to work and she gave my dad a quick peck on the lips before making her way into their bathroom. I left walking back downstairs and into the kitchen and to no surprise it was 6:30 so basically, I have two hours to think about what I'm going to say to Simon, I don't want to be mean about it but I do want to be straight up since there is a pretty high chance he may think I'm being dramatic or overeating but in reality, I'm just a little pissed off with Simon. We've been dating for five months and the first three months were just a bunch of under communication and arguments, Simon doesn't want to be out and I respect that but the fact he tells me he wants to be more of a couple at school then proceeds to talk to someone I hate and not tell me what they talked about is annoying it's just like...
I sighed laying back down on the couch I don't exactly have anything to do while I wait and thinking about anything will just make my head hurt, Ding. Drew sent me a message Good luck today, Make sure to inform me afterward I'm hella interested in what you'll do next🤔 It made me laugh and then I felt a warm feeling around me like the feeling I got when Drew gave me his jacket and held me in his arms...It was so warm.

By the time I was at the park it was pretty empty like I expected, Only those people who do a daily run around the park or people who drove here from another state and had to use the restroom I made it at exactly 7:56 and so I just sate on a bench. I can't help but become a little nervous now that I'm here I've never stuck up for myself against Simon, Even when I disagreed with something I'd keep it to myself. I always got so worried about what he'd think of me or just the thought of him breaking up with me now I'm the one losing feelings for him this is so dumb I don't understand why I'm losing feelings maybe I should've just called him and told him he wasn't my type anymore. "Jack..?" I hummed looking above me to see Simon though he looked shocked "Hey...Sorry, It's just me but I wanted to talk to you about something more private first." He took a seat next to me placing his hand on top of mine gently, I didn't look at him I just stared at my hand it was quiet for a moment I had no idea this would be so hard when I'm actually facing him Tell him. "Jack is everything-"
"I think we should break up."
"...Wait What?"
"I'm sorry but I don't think I can do this anymore, I've seriously been thinking. I'll give you today to change my mind but after this, if I still feel the same way about you afterward then nothing will change, I want to be with you..." I moved my hand away, and Simon was frozen. I looked at him and he looked in denial. The only reason I asked to meet in a public place was so we don't get into an argument, I know he won't yell at me in public where there is a possibility of someone seeing us and so I'm taking advantage of that. He took a deep breath before grabbing me by the wrist "What Is going on with you.? You want to break up with me but you're giving me one day to make you fall in love with me why."
"Advice from a friend, If you don't want to take the offer I'm leaving." I got up slowly walking away from him but resiliently he pulled me back "I'll do it. Don't...Don't leave me yet, I'm sorry." He hugged me, I hugged him back and I could feel his grip tighten around me the least I can really do Is act how I used to around him like nothing ever changed within me "I won't act any different for you today, It'll be just like normal. Make me fall in love with you again Simon, I need you to show me just how much I truly mean to you if not I can't love you." I can't help but feel a little bad for him, I'm losing feelings so much. I don't know why but I hate it, even when he hugs me while I'm still in his arms it just feels different.

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