Chaptet 17

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"Emily just said you were dating this guy named Drew is that true!?!?."

I think I should be more focused on the part about how Emily knows that in the first place. But I nodded and she instantly grabbed me by the shoulders "Who is he?!? When did you and you know who break up and why?!? Was it that day you were crying!? What's this Drew guy like?? Are you actually happy!?" She interrogated looking me dead in the eyes, I didn't say anything since I wasn't exactly sure what question she wanted me to answer until she began to shake me and I'm starting to want to throw up "Ah-! Me and you know who broke up because he cheated! No, it wasn't the day I was crying, I'm happy for the most part and Drew's a kindhearted dork who I'm dating now-! Stop shaking meee!" Saying that Natalie let go and took a minute to think, I really want to know how Emily found out that and Drew were together in the first place I mean it isn't possible unless she saw us together or if someone straight up told her. Usually, it would bother me to be outted though...So why am I so calm about this all of the sudden? It's obvious she did it because I haven't talked to her so-called "Crush" ever since I got blackmailed but maybe I was just worried about protecting Simon all this time, but now I don't need to protect anyone because Drew doesn't care if people find out about us and there really is nothing holding us back from telling anyone. "I see...You'll have to introduce me to him after school okay?"
"Uhm...I'm actually going to cheer tryouts so maybe not today..?"
"What!! You want to be a cheerleader!?"
"...Yea I kind of do."
"Oh my god Jackson this Drew guy has really given you some new features and interest~" She shoved me in the shoulder and I just laughed, Though I wonder if Drew's heard about it yet, and if he did I'd probably guess he'd be happy about it just from knowing him a little bit I can imagine him smiling about it, I just sneezed randomly... Now I'm thinking he's probably talking about me.
"Bless you."
"Thanks...Well, I'll see you later Natalie, Bye" I waved at her as I made my way into another building. Last class and then I get to go cheer, I can't help but be a little nervous It's just been so long since I've actually cheered on a team or just tried out for a team but I'm also excited.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you? I can drop you off at home afterward?"
"I already told you, You aren't allowed to do that." I laughed "Plus you should go home, I'll call you afterward okay?" Drew frowned but agreed to hold his arms out to me asking for a hug, He acts like just a little kid sometimes it's adorable. I hugged him. "I know you'll do great."
"I KNOW I'll do great, But thank you."
"Are you SURE like 100% you don't want me to stay with you!??" He really wants to stay with me...I sighed "Do you really want to stay that bad?"
"Fine C'mon, Let's see if you'll be allowed to stay!" I grabbed his hand and we both began to run to the gym. Once we got there it was filled with about 35 girls and from the looks of it there were two coaches, One male, and one Female but not too surprisingly I didn't see any other guys then again that might just be an advantage for me. Drew sat down on the Bleachers and wrapped his arms around my waist while I looked down smiling at him. "There are so many girls, I was hoping for at least one other guy but I guess that's not the case from what it looks like...Hey Blue~ Why don't yo-"
"Yeah no way in hell am I trying out for this, I can't even do a cartwheel."
"Awee, No funnn~"
"Yeah yeah, whatever~ Go make a friend or something I'm going to do my homework okay?"
"Emh, I'll try...I like you."
"I love you~" he winked before patting my lower back and pushing me forwards, I'm not sure why that flustered me so much...He just said I love you but the way he said it filled my stomach with butterflies. "Hello!, are you here for cheer?"
I looked around to see a group of random girls looking at me, most of them I'd seen once or twice around the campus but others I'd never seen before in my life "Yeah I am, My name is Jackson it's nice to meet you"
"Awesome! You're the first guy we've had to try out in years!! I'm Chole" a girl with cherry red hair said with a greeting smile after her the line of names went down
"I'm Samanta and this is my twin sister Sam"
"Eli" A ginger
"Payton" A blonde with glasses
"Kai!" Wolfcut
"Nadya!!" Definitely listens to Harry styles
"...Oh sorry I'm Grace!" Spaces out a lot
"Hannah" very aestheticy-?
"Eren" watches anime
"Alex" a lesbian
"And finally Im Syi!" Loves Disney
They all had such different personalities and looks but I could tell they all mainly had a positive attitude toward me, which made me feel less nervous. We all went around in a circle guessing everyone's names and hoping it was correct and after about 20 minutes we all succeeded, I think I am very good at attracting people and just getting to open up so quickly, I am definitely not the only one because just after twenty minutes we had all agreed to be friends so I guess I have about 14 friends now my 5th-grade self could never. "Oh, Jackson are you gay?? I'm just asking because most guys who do cheer just come to hit on girls and all..."
"Really? Oh well yeah, I'm definitely gay, That blue-haired guy over there is my boyfriend actually." I pointed over to Drew and Sam jumped on me with her full body weight yelling "OMG THAT'S SO CUTEEE!"
"Alright girls!!... Oh wow, we have a boy this time that's a first in a while! What's your name sweetheart?" The female coach clapped her hands and looked at me with a soft grin forming across her face "Ah, I'm Jackson" I replied fiddling with my hand, I had no idea I'd be getting so much attention just from being here, it's a little embarrassing. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Jackson, Let me inform Alan about you, and then tryouts will begin, alright, everyone forms as many groups of three Uncompleted towers!" She clapped her hands again and everyone went off to make a group while I looked around for anyone who didn't have a partner, I saw a girl with short black hair and tan skin she looked like she was extremely nervous...Usually, that'd be me, Maybe I should start talking more anyways. "Uhm Excuse me, Do you want to be in a group with me?" She looked up at me a bit pale but then she nodded and I smiled
"I'm Jackson what's your name?"
"Uhm actually I'm Anna..."
"Is that what you actually go by you seemed unsure?" Her face changed from shy to hopeful? I think, But she smiled "Nuh-uh I actually go by Niva."
"Nice to meet you, Niva." We both shook hands and smiled, I think everyone here is nice for the most part and I really hope I can make a few friends from here even if I don't make it.
"Jackson!!! Let me partner with you two, Hannah, Jayla, and Kai kicked me out..," Alex whined with her head down, Niva looked a little scared and so I moved closer to her and whispered, "Should I call you Niva around them?"
"It would be nice...I'm new to this whole cheer thing." I smiled slowly moving Alex into the center of us and patted her on the shoulders "This is Anna but she goes by Niva, Do you care about that—are you okay with that?"
"What?! Of course! Hello Niva, I'm Alex!" She held her hand out and she shook it with a smile, Luckily I haven't met anyone homophonic here that was one small thing I was worried about but luckily they all seem okay with the fact I'm a gay guy.
"Alright Girls plus Jackson! I want you all to build a tower with your peers and me and Coach Alan will go around giving you feedback, We may have all three of you in your group attempt to be the cheer top so be ready."
Niva sighed and Alex Patted her on the back as I laughed under my breath "I don't think I'll be able to do that, I'd probably hurt you two."
"ARE YOU CALLING US WEAK?" They synchronized, I put my hands up in defense and slowly backed away "No No, I'm just a little anxious that's all, I don't wanna risk it."
"It's fine we can do this I believe in me and Niva!" Alex flexed her arms as Niva awkwardly tries to follow but gave up and just held up a thumb "Y-Yeah I agree with Alex it'll be fine."
Now I guess I have no choice.

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