Chapter 13

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"Yup! Three months strong now, Isn't that awesome! We're celebrating our first anniversary three months together next weekend!" She looked so happy and Simon looked pissed off "O-Okay wait Jackson let me-!"
"Don't bother." I glared at him and he went silent
"Jackie hurry up the shops going to close soon!"
"Ah okay!! It was nice meeting you Jackson, And Babe I'll text you tonight!" And just like that Jackie was gone. So it turns out I've been getting cheated on for three months, Three whole months. "J-Jack don't cry-! Listen I have an explanation I promise!" I put my hand in front of my face and that's when a tear had fallen into it like a leaf, I know I was thinking about breaking up with him but if he's been dating a girl for three months why was he still messing with me? Was I just his getaway from his girlfriend this whole time? He placed his hand on my shoulder gently, and as he was moving closer to me I just pushed him to the ground out of frustration I can't believe he started dating someone else just after two months of us dating, It hurts to think of that fact that all those memories we've had these past few months were all a lie. I believed he loved me. I believed I was his only partner for five months. I'm a complete idiot. "You're such a jerk! I don't want to even look at you right now...I can't..." I ran, Without looking back I just ran. I don't understand Simon, I've never been able to but this has the be the last thing I'd ever expect from him of all people. My chest feels so tight, I just want to cry even when I made it to my house I just sat in our backyard and cried I can't even go into my room to have some privacy.


It took me so long to finally stop, Even when I thought I was done it started up again. I feel so empty right now but I'm also upset I'm upset because of Simon but not only that just the fact I was a side piece to someone I actually loved. Drew. That's what I forgot to do, I forgot to tell Drew what happened I don't even know if I want to tell him about the cheating part...But I could really use a hug right now, Just a hug that'll make me feel like everything is okay. I didn't text him, I wanted to hear his voice, I sniffed before he picked up the phone with a common "Hello?"
"H-He...He Cheated...I don't know why but he cheated...Drew. I-I'm so sorry." I was crying again, Now that I'm saying it out loud it's like the words finally hit me. It was quiet on the other side of the line and I tried to stop crying but I just couldn't bring myself to do anything right now no matter what I do this feeling won't go away
"...Jackson, I'm coming over, Stay right where you are." He sounded so serious, It shocked me for a minute but then I said okay and the phone call ended. All I remember doing is crying and crying for more than hours, Why did he have to...


I woke up Inside my room surprisingly and when I did I was accompanied by Drew and my parents, it seemed like they were having a conversation though and so I closed my eyes proceeding to pretend I was asleep "I'm truly sorry, I had no idea. Thank you so much I don't know what he would have done if he didn't have someone like you...We have work so please take care of him for us."
"Of course."
"And remember if you need anything just..."
"Ohhhh nooo, C'mon you big worry wart" After that I heard a door close, and then Drew started laughing "I know you're awake you don't have to pretend, They're gone now."
I sighed sitting back up "How'd you know?"
"Can't say you're the best at hiding things I mean when I got here you basically clung onto me and told me everything from start to finish and then you fell asleep after we watched like 40 minutes of a Disney movie," He smiled
"Oh...Sorry about that I didn't mean to vent I guess I wasn't thinking straight I'm really sorry."
"It's alright, But since you are going through a very horrible type of break up I'm going to help you out since you are my friend." I stared at him lost for a moment but as he sat next to me I noticed I was wearing a jacket that didn't seem familiar to me at all and it really smelled like him, It was his. I want to keep it so bad, Wait I wonder why he gave it to me in the first place... "Thanks but uh, Your Jacket...Why do I have it exactly? Not to be weird about it though"
"Oh yeah you were freezing last night, So I thought I'd give you something to warm you up...Sorry." It was quiet for a second and I could see the redness forming on his face he was definitely blushing and just the thought of him giving me his jacket so I wouldn't freeze was so sweet that I even blushed. Now we're just two guys blushing over eachother, Not to mention Drew is a lot easier to talk to than most people I just can't tell if it's the way he talks or the over atmosphere around him but whatever it is I'm glad he has it because he comforts me a bit more than anything else. "Hey, uhm Jackson since you're single and all now do you plan to do anything now that you don't have to worry about this guy anymore?" That was a great question.
"Well, I...I don't exactly know..."
"...If so you wouldn't mind if I..." It was like a flash, I was separated from Drew for a second, and then the next he was in front of me as our lips locked once like before and every negative feeling I had recently had vanished, All I saw in my mind was Drew Gates...A blue-haired guy, A kind-hearted guy who talked to me randomly inside a bathroom while I was in a bad mood I know we've only known eachother for a few days really but I feel as if we've met before, Maybe in another life.

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