Chapter 14

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There was a moment of hesitation before Drew and I parted ways again, I wasn't sure what to say and I'm pretty sure he had no clue either. This is the second time we've kissed but I still get the same feeling I got when we did it the first time...I guess Simon isn't the only one who cheated. I should be really sad about losing Simon and everything that happened between us but right now I have Drew by my side. I'm not trying to say he's a replacement for Simon but he really does feel like someone more than just a friend to me.
"Hey Uhm, I'm sorry about that it's just... I know this is gonna sound super creepy and weird but though I haven't known you very long I always feel so at home with you Jackson, I...I think I've developed a bit of a crush on you over the past few days I know it's a bad time and all but-" I kissed him, I didn't think about anything when I did it's like my body had moved on its own. Just hearing the fact that Drew's been feeling the same way as me, made me feel happy for some reason maybe I shouldn't think about Simon, Maybe I should just focus on what's happening now...I won't be able to just forget about him and I can't move on just after a day but with the help of someone like Drew I think I can get over him in hopefully a month or less even though it feels wrong I don't want to have this sad and lonely feeling for too long, It'd just have a negative impact on my life period. I broke the kiss looking into Drew's eyes, He looked like he was in shock but I just smiled lightly hugging me "It's okay...I want to spend much more time with you Drew, But if I date you...I want to but I'm going to need your help."
He wrapped his arms around me tightening the hug a bit before laying his head down on my shoulder "Of course...I like you Jackson, I really Like you. I'll help in any way I can." I smiled, Drew is such a hard person to describe it's not like I can't read him but at the same time, I'm not exactly sure what to expect from him "I like you too Drew...I like you a lot too and...Thank you."

Only a few hours passed of me and Drew just talking, Mainly about boundaries since we want to make sure we were both comfortable with the things we'd be doing in a relationship but to my surprise, Drew didn't say anything that was really a "boundary" all he said was no sex which I automatically agreed too. We agreed we could be out at school, And at eachothers houses, we'd already kissed and touched eachother romantically before so that was already okay and really that was it...I plan to tell my parents about it once Drew goes home and he agreed to tell his parents about me once he got back home. I learned that Drew's mom's name was Emilo Gates and she's a chiropractor which was pretty cool to me but according to Drew it's boring and she's a bit of a weirdo but his father Anthony Gates works on machines at a post office which was a little more boring in my book, he didn't exactly say much about him though only the fact that he's a pretty normal guy who likes labor like building or fixing things for no apparent reason. He did mention to me that he had an older brother named Jay but he was twenty-seven so he has his own place, I found it a bit funny that he was a younger sibling it was also a little cute to think of. Just the pure image of younger Drew fighting with his older brother over something that could've been as small as a tog almost just melted my heart...I've been an only child all my life so almost all of my time would be spent alone or around family I didn't even have many friends when I was younger...maybe that's just saying something about me. "Wait what should I call you now?"
"Hm? I turned my attention to him
"You know like a pet name! Something only I can call you and no one else...I don't wanna do something basic like "Babe" or "Cutie"
"Yeah I don't know, My ex just called me Jack short for Jackso- Ahh-!"
"I've got one!" I wasn't expecting him to pull me into a random hug and proceed to spin me around a few times so I just dropped my head looking at the floor as my eyesight slowly came back to me, I already feel like I know what my new names gonna be in Drew's mind and I seriously hope it's not what I'm thinking it may be "What is it..?"
"Pretty boy." Yeah, I figured as much, woo hoo.
"Of course I'm serious, It's how we first met and on top of that it fits you since you've got a pretty face and all~" He put me back onto the ground before lightly tapping me on the noise, I smiled at him just blowing a bit of air in his face before sitting on the couch "I guess it'll work then...I'll call you Blue then...Or Berry actually how about I just call you Blueberry!"
"Aha. Very funny, It's because of my hair isn't it?"
"How'd you guess?"
"Oh yeah, whatever." He laughed joining me on the couch, Grabbing one of the blankets and tossing it around himself like a burrito one thing that I know for sure is Drew is the only one who could ever make me feel this way. He makes me laugh, Makes me smile, He even makes my heart happy. I don't think any normal person would be able to do something like this to me just by simply being alive so there is definitely something interesting about Drew and I plan to find out exactly what it is just for the fun of it, I don't know Drew pretty much at all there is so much I have left to learn about him and he has so much to learn about me so since we're together, I want to learn everything there is to know about Drew and in return I'll do the same for him.

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